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121, We are forced to use a multiplicity of separate detector arrays. 122, The measuring principal is given . Simultaneously, the detector of sensor and oscillator circuit is developed. 123, Researchers at Fermilab currently shoot a neutrino beamto a detector in the Soudan mine in Minnesota. 124, The paper concerns in the principle and the experimental results of gas-filled time-of-flight(GF-TOF) detector. 125, Model 4110 ( phase sensitive detector ) and 4114 ( phase control unit ) are integrated circuit modules ( Evans Associates , Berkeley , CA, U.S.A. ). 126, (Injecting water back returns the detector to a flat surface.) Injecting water into the chamber of the lens makes the thin membrane become a convex hemisphere. 127, The measure errors of prismatic and spherical powers are analyzed, from which it is concluded that the precision of the position detector is the key to the method. 128, Hormone-A has a search radar in a large fairing under the nose, and a towed magnetic anomaly detector, while a dipping sonar is housed in a compartment at the rear of the cabin. 129, Using the minisize CCD detector, LED light source and a fiber optic, a fiber optic oxygen sensor based on fluorescence quenching has been developed. 130, The optimum detector for passive detection is energy detector. Yet energy detector usually deteriorates due to fluctuation of background interference and a decrease in SNR. 130,try its best to collect and create good sentences. 131, Incorporating 8PSK. demodulation system, Interpolator, Timing Error Detector, Loop Filter and Numerically Controlled Oscillator in DTTL Algorithm are analyzed in detail. 132, Mini Dewar of IR detector provides cryogenic and vacuum environment for IR photoelement. 133, A scintillation cell is a detector which is often used in measuring radon. 134, The output of the detector is the video - signal proper , with a 2 - volt swing. 135, Detecting by hydrogen flame ionization detector with gas chromatography increased sensitivity and decreased detection limit. 136, The cooled infrared detector in research works at as low as 77 K to 80 K. 137, We can imagine a seismic detector being bombarded by myriads of grains of sand. 138, Using an ultrasonic level detector and a conductometer, the situation of level fluctuation and fluid mixing was determined. 139, The fault detector using this new principle blocks the protective relay no matter how short the power swing period may be. 140, This isocratic system consists of a high pressure solvent delivery pump, an UV/VIS detector, a manual injection valve, and a solvent tray, a column and a Chromatography Workstation. 141, A built in temperature detector ( RTD ) senses the actual temperature in the measurement chamber. 142, Generally speaking, PSK system performance than switch Keying FSK system well, but must use synchronous detector. 143, The Bosnia native fled when the bags set off a metal detector. 144, Moreover, the anode detector head and the cathode detection handle are used to acquire bioelectricity data. 145, This method is simple, rapid and liner equimolar with the sulfide. The detector has a high sensitivity and is not disturbed by the sample substrate. 146, To do so, a straight line is defined between a point source of light and a detector. 147, The output signal from the detector may be the blackening of a photographic emulsion. 148, Usually, we use three components velocity detector to measure X-component, Y-component and Z-component of velocity field. We use the hydrophone tu measure stress field. 149, The DIDAPPER system presented in this paper is a distributed intrusion detector with apperception. 150, We avoid the interfere of different elements with the multiple linear regression Gamma - ray detector.