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151, This paper proposes a novel synchronous detector, which use wavelet filter instead of traditional low pass filter. 152, The lie detector tests have been the subject of much controversy. 153, The proposed CPPLL is made up of a no dead zone phase frequency detector(PFD), a loop filter(LPF), a charge pump(CP), a voltage-controlled oscillator(VCO) and dividers. 154, UDTT marketed its productions including the company's bioterrorism detection kits, BSM-2000 (real-time anthrax detector), and radiological detection systems. 155, This Paper discusses the method for uranium exploration based on the analysis of helium in water leaching soil samples using ion pump helium detector. 156, The image - dissector scanner is another heavily used and very successful low light level detector. 157, G-APD array detector has two outstanding characters: single photon sensitivity and pico-second resolving power, which makes the detector very suitable for the weak optical signal 3-D imaging.