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91, Thermopile is usually a blackened thermal detector. 92, The detector must be operationally simple, reliable and robust. 93, Each encoder has a fixed light source opposite a light detector. 94, Shards of titanium from the wrecked A-12 scatter the crash site as aerospace historian Peter Merlin recently searches the debris field with a metal detector. 95, The uterine contraction detector could sensitively reflect the uterine pressure change. 96, The detector and sample box system is desirable to set up a two-channel Mossbauer spectrometer, so as to obtain both absorption attd backscattering spectra simultaneously. 97, The principle and structure of a metal detector is proposed in this paper, which is especially suitable for applications in coal transporting systems based-on rubber conveyer belt. 98, Firstly , the photoelectric detector makes sampling from the sign. 99, This paper analyzes the formation of the output wave from a dynamic detector, the relation between the output wave and the magnetic field distribution and the effect of the armature reaction on them. 100, They won't set off a metal detector, nor do they have any distinguishing silhouette. 100,try its best to gather and create good sentences. 101, University of Chicago cosmologist Juan Collar believes his group may have spotted a dark matter signal in their detector inside an abandoned mine in Soudan Minnesota. 102, This paper studies an improved secure algorithm for the non-linear digital image watermark based on error correcting coding and non-linear detector. 103, Sensor element, which consists of a Fabry-Perot etalon fabricated from single-crystal silicon, connects with the LED and detector by fibers. 104, The open loop characteristic of the double detector is calculated in theory and the double magnetic detector comparator is constructed for testing and performance evaluation. 105, This paper presented a optimum linear multiuser detector in terms of minimum mean bit error rate, and given a approximate method of solving the detector - method of training single perceptron. 106, The system hardware include gantry, detector, coincidence circuit, patient table and computer workstation. 107, The efficiency of a liquid scintillation detector may be varied by placing different optical filters between the vessel and the phototube. 108, The article introduce a new-type non-contact fiber temperature detector based on PIC16C923. It is a high precision and response speed system. 109, Laser imaging technology is an important breakthrough for SF6 leakage detection, but feasible verification method was not in hand for this on-line leakage detector in domestic. 110, A continuously variable potentionmeter is connected into the detector bridge network. 111, This highly compact transceiver chipset consists of low noise amplifier, power amplifier with detector, voltage controlled oscillator with buffer amplifier, mixer and harmonic mixer. 112, The signal is fed into a filter - amplifier which is transformercoupled to the video - detector. 113, Digital scan converter (DSC) is an indispensable part in the display equipment of radar, biomedical ultra sound detector, sonar, electronic surface analyzer. 114, The method of fast measuring recommended does not require an additional fast operating fault detector to catch the fault starting time. 115, The detecting principle of the magnetoelastic plate shape detector and the processing method for its output signals are described in detail. 116, A novel high energy laser beam detector for measuring energy distribution was described in this paper. 117, The real performances for both light detector and heavy-ion detector have been practically used are given by means of experimental tests. 118, Sorry, but you have to go through the metal detector again. 119, An aqueous caustic solution removes carrier gas impurities harmful to the detector cell. 120, The common - depth - point technique merely means the manifold repetition of each reflection observation with different source - detector geometry.