快好知 kuaihz

plain sailing造句
1. It's all plain sailing. 2. Life with him isn't all plain sailing, you know. 3. Pregnancy wasn't all plain sailing and once again there were problems. 4. However, it was not all plain sailing. 5. In any event, it will not be plain sailing. 6. I recognized that all would not be plain sailing. 7. But it wasn't going to be all plain sailing. 8. But it's not all plain sailing. 9. Mind you, it was not all plain sailing for the Merseyside comic making her Liverpool debut in the role. 10. Get the mitres right and the rest is plain sailing. 11. It's plain sailing from here. 12. Once the design problems were solved, all plain sailing. 13. Pioneering in an enterprise is naturally never plain sailing. 14. The operation was plain sailing. 15. Competition can not always plain sailing, maybe sometimes you just behind the near field. 16. We know it won't be plain sailing at Wembley because there are no easy games at this level. 17. Wish you everything to be a plain sailing throughout the coming year. 18. In this new year wish all Yasuhisa Baby: plain sailing! 19. Plain sailing all your life would also be a boring thing. 20. For a man of Harry's ability, that assignment was plain sailing. 21. Once the design problems were solved, it was all/everything was plain sailing. 22. If you can answer the first question, the rest of the test should be plain sailing. 23. She answered the first question well and from then on it was all plain sailing. 24. The roads were busy as we drove out of town, but after that it was plain sailing. 25. Once we have got the money, it will be plain sailing. 26. If you can access the Web, it's close to plain sailing from now on. 27. Roderick Conway Morris says it's not going to be plain sailing. 28. It is sheer fantasy to imagine that the cause of socialism is all plain sailing. 29. In the future development process of China, it can not be all plain sailing . We should always remain sober-minded. 30. However, as mentioned philosophy, the development of anything can not be plain sailing, building our enterprise credit file is also true.