快好知 kuaihz

1. The furniture is not fancy, just functional. 2. Bathrooms don't have to be purely functional. 3. The office was large and functional rather than welcoming. 4. There's a high rate of functional illiteracy here. 5. We have fully functional smoke alarms on all staircases. 6. The mirror is functional yet decorative. 7. Is the central heating functional yet? 8. The two departments have slight functional differences. 9. Kitchen utensils should be attractive as well as functional. 10. The chairs were comfortable, functional and free of ornamentation. 11. Their furniture was more aesthetic than functional. 12. I like objects to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. 13. The decor is functional. 14. Is this machine functional? 15. The telephone was out of order, but is functional now. 16. The functional modernity of the computer struck a discordant note amid the elegant eighteenth-century furniture. 17. These units played a key functional role in the military operation. 18. I'm hardly functional if I don't get eight hours' sleep! 19. Add a touch of style with these functional yet funky wall lights. 20. In contrast to Livesey's,(Sentence dictionary) the room was purely functional. 21. Each of these functional forms is depicted below. 22. These needs are known as functional prerequisites. 23. The company was divided into four main functional areas. 24. Which functional resources to centralize or decentralize 3. 25. These tin cookie cutters are both functional and decorative. 26. Assimilation and accommodation are fully functional at birth. 27. This event-driven analysis is frequently called functional analysis. 28. The Rotachute was a simple yet functional design. 29. Functional dependency is frequently illustrated by an arrow. 30. By 2004, the Supertram is expected to be fully functional .