快好知 kuaihz

1. The three men are accused of conspiracy. 2. We successfully thwarted the enemy's conspiracy. 3. Did you ever swallow the conspiracy theory about Kennedy? 4. We heard of his implication in a conspiracy. 5. I suspected that he was involved in the conspiracy. 6. He was implicated in a conspiracy. 7. He was charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage. 8. He claimed that it was all a conspiracy against him. 9. Who organized the conspiracy against the president? 10. She was convicted on an indictment for conspiracy. 11. He was charged with conspiracy to suborn witnesses. 12. She was charged with conspiracy to evade taxes. 13. They were charged with conspiracy to murder. 14. This led to his indictment on allegations of conspiracy. 15. There were many conspiracy theories surrounding Princess Diana's death. 16. They were brought to trial for treasonable conspiracy. 17. He was mixed up in the conspiracy. 18. This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy. 19. All three men were charged with conspiracy to defraud. 20. Conspiracy is a popular subject for investigative journalism. 21. The men were found guilty of conspiracy to murder. 22. At first, he was blissfully unaware of the conspiracy against him. 23. He believes there is a right-wing conspiracy organized by the CIA and the military-industrial complex to maneuver the country into another war. 24. He faces charges of theft and conspiracy to defraud . 25. Seven men, all from Bristol, admitted conspiracy to commit arson. 26. He's charged with conspiracy, misapplication of funds and other crimes. 27. This action was part of a conspiracy to deceive the public. 28. Malcolm got really paranoid, deciding that there was a conspiracy out to get him. 29. The bombs are almost certainly part of a much bigger conspiracy. 30. There was no evidence to link the brigade to any conspiracy against Mr Bush.