快好知 kuaihz

1 Air mail is quicker than sea mail. 2 It is arguable which way is quicker. 3 Taxis are quicker than buses. 4 Which way is quicker by bus or by train? 5 There's no denying that quicker action could have saved them. 6 We'll get there quicker if we cut across the fields. 7 It's quicker by train. 8 Christmas seems to come round quicker every year. 9 The eastward route might be quicker. 10 My birthday seems to come around quicker every year. 11 It's quicker to go by the country route. 12 It should be quicker if we cut through town. 13 It'll be quicker to go on the metro. 14 They noted the consumers' growing demand for quicker service. 15 It's quicker to cut and paste than to retype. 16 His antagonist in the debate was quicker than he. 17 It's much quicker to go by plane . 18 The way through the woods is quicker. 19 It'll be quicker to go by train. 20 Wouldn't it be quicker to go by train? 21 It is quicker by far to go by train. 22 She devised a method for quicker communications between offices. 23 My heart started to beat much quicker. 24 It'd be quicker to get there on foot. 25 It's probably quicker by train. 26 It's quicker to count by tens . 27 first it is cheaper and secondly it is quicker. 28 I suggested that it would be quicker to travel by train. 29 You will finish the job much quicker if you put your back into it. 30 Warm the sugar slightly first to make it dissolve quicker.