快好知 kuaihz

151 No one could spot a gentlewoman quicker than Father Ralph. 152 Moving our company's operations online not only helped us provide information to customers quicker and close deals faster, it also slashed our overhead expenses by $2, 500 a month on average. 153 The faster it moved underwater, the quicker the batteries would go flat. 154 Compared initial cost of construction , ensuring clean water is much quicker and a more realistic project. 155 My father would have driven me to Cornwall, but we decided it would be quicker by train. 155try its best to gather and build good sentences. 156 Deadline monotonic ordered saturated assignment is proved to have the least priority levels, which is much quicker than those tradional priority assignment algorithms. 157 This oxygen link makes blown linseed oil very reactive, and dry considerably quicker than the corresponding stand oil. 158 Compared with an ash test, it is simpler and quicker, by which sample preparation can be greatly simplified, with an improved sensitivity and accuracy. 159 With all this additional number crunching ability, regular renderings get done quicker. 160 Dear me, can't you walk quicker? A snail by comparison is supersonic. 161 Resin curing speed bears a relation with the temperature, the higher temperature, the quicker curing, and it spends about one hour for curing under normal temperature. 162 In the model with the uncinate process removed, the air flow velocity of the district around uncinate process was faster, the air flow velocity in expiratory phase was quicker. 163 Because of PSO's merit, such as less parameter, easy algorithm implementation and quicker convergence rate, PSO is applied extensively in research and industrial production. 164 A nerve ganglion basically a brain for quicker reaction, or other uses. 165 Environmentalists, on the other hand, blasted Obama's announcement, saying it was a step in the wrong direction and that the United States needed a quicker transition to carbon-free sources of energy. 166 Be careful in stock market. You can lose your money quicker than hell. 167 "There are trains straight from Cambridge."— 'I know. but it's no quicker.'. 168 General anneal cooling rate slowest, fire rate quicker, the quenching cooling rate is quicker. 169 She Thinks - Seems like an average condom to me. Easy on and off make clean up quicker. 170 A new ultrasound device for use in open-heart surgery could help patients recover quicker. 171 It makes editing and then testing your changes much quicker. 172 This "methylation" of GR appears to make the individual more tuned in or sensitised to stress, meaning that they will react to it quicker both mentally and hormonally. 173 Their recuperation was, on average, 40 percent quicker than typically expected. 174 Keep in mind that it is quicker to allow the Lotus Domino server to resolve its name in the local host table than to query DNS. 175 We'd be quicker trying a zig - zag course than rowing in the teeth of this wind. 176 He says the analysis suggests that ozone therapy is as effective as surgery for relieving pain caused by a herniated disc, with a much lower incidence of complications and much quicker recovery times. 177 This article has made the improvement to CPAFC which be commonly used. After the improvement frequency discrimination algorithm has the quicker capture speed. 178 IMS Problem Investigator makes IMS log analysis quicker and easier than ever before. 179 Solar hot water has a quicker payback and a lower up - front cost. 180 Genius in addition to and simpleton only a the step separate, they are heel bedlamite also only a separate, because the simpleton walks slower than genius, the bedlamite walks quicker than genius.