快好知 kuaihz

91 Other events may cause the stress tap to turn on much quicker. 92 Get your tracksuit on as soon as possible; the quicker you do this, the less stiffness you will feel post-race. 93 They say they make more phone calls, schedule quicker appointments, do more comprehensive screenings and even make occasional house calls. 94 Matt lacquer is a quicker alternative with the advantage of impermeability. 95 She'd lost some weight and seemed to move with a quicker stride. 96 She became a CEO at 37, making it to the top quicker than anyone imagined. 97 Massine's quicker more set version of the tarantella in La Boutique Fantasque shows exactly the same features as those listed above. 98 But it soon became evident who was the quicker and Somervail eventually left all the racing to Jim. 99 I've just had a thought - it might be quicker to go by bus. 100 He can think on his feet quicker than anyone I've ever met. 101 Now that punchcards exist it is quicker and less troublesome to let your lace carriage transfer the stitch for you. 102 If you have excess fat you will burn it off quicker. 103 Come holiday time, Stanley closed the school and was off north quicker than you could say algebra. 104 All the indicators show that parental support helps young people come through solvent abuse quicker. 105 Administration can be done by double-entry book-keeping, but is quicker and cheaper if the core group has access to a computer. 106 They had found him quicker than he'd anticipated, sniffing him out through the darkened streets. 107 Any diagnostic system that is quicker and cheaper than the present system would be of use. 108 Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art.Maya Angelou 109 You can apply for a visa by mail, but it's quicker if you go to the embassy in person. 110 If rolled down a hill, the hollow-centred ball will reach the bottom quicker since it has a greater inertia. 111 The classic dish may require preparation over a period of two days, but this simple variation is much quicker. 112 Better public transport means fewer drivers on the road, less congestion and quicker journeys for professional road users. 113 Or quicker still, send a couple of nifty passes upfield - and you soon learn where your team-mates are. 114 Such anaerobic respiration is much quicker than aerobic respiration, but also much less efficient in terms of energy produced per unit of fuel. 115 They will die quicker than you can say reverse osmosis. 116 Money was falling from the sky quicker than Fielding could catch it. 117 The new software system is really smart and it's much quicker to use too. 118 Doing exercise, which requires extra fuel, will help burn off the body fat even quicker. 119 This process is much simpler and quicker than cleaning a convection oven. 120 As companies get leaner and better informed, they are much quicker to take action.