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211 Stronger, quicker disbursal is necessary to create positive incentives for others to embark on large-scale reform. 212 But this time first place first competes is getting more and more intense, Gerlach, Pi Kuite and Covar Leining, Hamilton successively have created quicker and quicker Shan Quan the record. 213 I think I see a gleam of still quicker wit in your eye. 214 The actual wolverine's super powers extend mostly to a tolerance for Arctic chill and supersized feet to permit quicker movement on snow. 215 Coach Stan Van Gundy wants Nelson to improve his man-to-man defense, particularly against quicker point guards, and Nelson has responded. 216 Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that, compared with the minimal step regulator and ST 1 regulator, the system proposed is of quicker dynamic response and better noise immunity. 217 Th is product contains no slipperiness additives, producing faster shifts and quicker lock-up. 218 Improving your running form can help you run quicker, more efficiently, and with less stress on your body. 219 Because of the clear display of commodities inside a cabinet, customers may purchase quicker. 220 Don't you know a watched pot never boils? Whether they're late or early, looking out of the window won't bring them here any quicker. 221 New born bone earlier, quicker and enormous was discovered by fluorescence labelling method. 222 By mapping the plant's genome scientists can locate the genes that control various traits, like colour, starchiness and flavour[http:///quicker.html], leading to the creation of improved varieties at a much quicker pace. 223 Kinematic analysis showed that they also had improved control over their fingers and were quicker at all test tasks. 224 Unlike plucking, threading removes an entire row of hair at a time so it is quicker, more accurate and less painful, the store says, although the treatment still smarts. 225 CONCLUSION: The response of clonazepam injection is quicker than that of the tablet and the injection is suitable for emergency patients. 226 Summer rather a short meantime is put on a tears with the gusset, achieved putting on tears to proceed to wipe medicine oil and massaged to make medicine oil quicker to absorb. 227 When it is used for pattern identification, the less the number of neurons is, the quicker the training is. 228 I used RESTEasy because I was able to grok the code-base quicker than the other JAX-RS implementations. 229 So let's take a moment to make It'smooth offical and therefore quicker. 230 High speed motor driver, 2 meters quicker than the old model. 231 RealCalc, a free Android application, does everything you'd expect from your HP or Texas scientific calculator –and often a lot quicker as well. 232 Using this option results in a much quicker compile time. 233 LICHTMAN: I think I asked them about this, because I said, you know, if you see a parent and a kid on a jungle gym, you know, most of the times the kids are going to be able to scramble up quicker.