unlock造句(61) The Song shrugs shoulders and bathe small unlock heart of the captivation of base.
(62) Complete all the levels to unlock and print exclusive collectible Care Bears posters!
(63) Brainstorm to unlock creative ideas for your career on March 15 when Mercury and Uranus conjoin.
(64) Rebuild the defiled Orrery and unlock the secrets of this Mages Guild Inner Sanctum.
(65) And adding a little fat to vegetables helps unlock their fat-soluble nutrients.
(66) You can also pick up a grey market version in many markets, including China, but barring a full SIM unlock, these things aren't very portable right now.
(67) European leaders are talking about temporarily guaranteeing future debts among private banks as a way to unlock the frozen credit markets.
(68) Forum Status - A dropdown list box that will allow you to lock or unlock a forum.
(69) When you want to unlock, you need only to press the locking key continuously, when the display shows 06, the unlocking is successful.
(70) And unlock the 10 hidden collectible ghosts while you master 3 different game modes!
(71) Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was required as a second - half substitute for Norway to help unlock Moldova's defence.
(72) This allows us to unlock all of our programmes and make them accessible without additional payment.
(73) You have to first jailbreak your phone before you can unlock it, but you don't have to unlock a phone in order to jailbreak it.
(74) Melting ice can unlock ancient secrets from the ground, as with the discovery in 1991 of "Oetzi", a 5,300-year-old warrior whose body had been preserved through the millennia inside an Alpine glacier.
(75) His elocution teacher worked with George VI to clarify the King's speech, to unlock his ability to talk to his subjects with ease and power.
(76) Unlock right, the user after the treatment, press OK, the system back to waiting status .
(77) An American security consultant claims he can unlock thousands of cars simply by sending a text message.
(79) It also allows you to unlock the mutex and wait on the condition variable atomically, without the possible intervention of another thread.
(80) Delete stubborn file directory force unlock, auxiliary crushing kill to remove viruses, Trojan files.
(81) Now new research is beginning to unlock the secrets of the odoriferous bulb.
(82) Produced entirely in stop-motion, Smart Set's site gets you to flip, twist and turn fashion cubes to unleash wild miniature universes, unlock apps, music and content.
(83) It also will do nothing to unlock frozen credit, he said.
(84) It's easy to jailbreak too: just download the tool, connect your phone, and run through the unlock tool. It's straightforward, very low-risk and completely reversible.
(85) Get to pro level to unlock a bowling ball with diamond designs on it.
(86) This approach works well for the larger scale programming efforts, when multiple developers have to incorporate lock/unlock type processing.
(87) It is a dry, somnolent , empty landscape, hard to unlock, hard to invade.
(88) Rising average temperatures, for example, threaten to unlock long-frozen stores of carbon dioxide and methane -- at least 20 times as potent a greenhouse gas as CO2 -- from the region's permafrost.
(89) The head start code will be used to unlock the bonus items.