快好知 kuaihz

121. The diameter of the circular precipitation line is measured arid compared to standards for quantitation. 122. Circular reactions lead to a greater awareness of objects as objects and to a greater understanding of cause and effect. 123. And yet he was happy in his lot, his circular fast lane. 124. Already, the rails were softening, the circular tube was becoming ovoid. 125. The stem is circular in section, with a twisting, grooved design. 126. Writtle College has also signposted the three-quarter mile circular trail route, built stiles and bridged a large ditch. 127. The 200-foot-tall circular tower is scheduled to open March 1. 128. Their versatility means a circular saw is not always needed. 129. It lacks the qualities associated with the perfection of the celestial sphere: circular motion, elemental purity,[http:///circular.html] immutability. 130. Together with circular and rectilinear stock watering ponds, they form distinctive elements of lowland landscapes. 131. And with his round face and friendly little circular eyes peering at you from behind those less-than-state-of-the-art spectacles. 132. The irony in all this is the circular logic of what appears to be the new strategic competition. 133. You can take a 12-mile or 20-mile circular walk around the village. 134. Thus the poem has a circular motion corresponding to the circular shape of the object it describes. 135. White lacquer-sprayed branches circled the room, laid with 10 circular tables. 136. There is a one and a half mile circular nature trail around the reserve, which is definitely worth doing. 137. The crater was about two miles across, almost perfectly circular, with several steep-sided peaks evenly placed around the rim. 138. This changes them from a circular orbit to an elliptical one. 139. With the heel of her hand, she wiped a circular space to see her face. 140. Old converted railway paths offer splendid opportunities, although circular walks are not usually possible. 141. The interior is unusual with columns set on circular plan but with flatter, straight sides to the exterior walls. 142. The base of the circular grey pole was concealed in a clump of long brown grass. 143. A revival in 1957: boat-car in Clifton Drive on a Circular Tour. 144. You can't knit circular rows using the settings given in Figure 1 when using a punchcard. 145. It is possible to climb the circular stairs to enjoy far-reaching views from the towers and battlements. 146. We start by talking about a problem of circular reasoning to motivate the diagram. 147. This meeting also approved a circular letter which it is to be assumed canvassed for potential members. 148. He argued that all the higher taxonomic categories can be divided into five subordinate units that fall naturally into a circular pattern. 149. Pupils can often fall back on a circular argument such as: Why is the relationship linear? 150. The pattern is similar to that produced by the flow of electrical current around a circular defect in a plate.