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1 Goldberg with new suggestion about bottom right hand. 2 ParcPlace founder Adele Goldberg shifts to chairman. 3 Glass, wrote Goldberg in the margin, mirror of delay. 4 Desire,[www.] scribbled Goldberg in the margin. 5 The keynote speaker was Arthur Goldberg, now a Supreme Court justice. 6 Long run, wrote Goldberg in the margin, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, no meaning. 7 In a tragic twist of irony, Goldberg was taken seriously. 8 And Goldberg, pursing his lips in concentration, flicking the hair out of his eyes, typed furiously on. 9 Eradicate anxiety, he wrote, and Goldberg, in the margin, anxiety. 10 Thought of fat Goldberg shuffling round the glass in the little room, rubbing his unshaven cheeks, wheezing. 11 Excuses, wrote Goldberg in the margin of his typescript with a felt-tip pen, an end to excuses. 12 Leave this notebook in the safe keeping of Goldberg? he wrote. 13 Goldberg said he had advised his client to simply plead not guilty during the court session and say nothing else. 14 And Goldberg, pulling the pad towards him and seizing his felt-tip pen, began to write. 15 Outlet, scribbled Goldberg in the margin, folly of belief in permanence. 16 No answer, scribbled Goldberg in the margin of his typescript, because no question. 17 Each element, he wrote, must be honest, and Goldberg, in the margin, each element: honest. 18 Night, scribbled Goldberg in the margin of his typescript, work on glass, day, work on freewheeling commentary. 19 Justices Douglas and Goldberg, however, would have preferred to sustain the legislation on this ground. 20 And the name Whoopi Goldberg? 21 Goldberg says she will not host the Academy Awards again " no matter who asks me. " 22 We asked Risa Goldberg who's pregnant how she would feel about selecting certain traits for their babies. She says it would change the nature of our society. 23 Trillin wrote several articles about Goldberg, who happened to be a college friend. 24 Goldberg is absent today. 25 Grimes is out on bail and his attorney, Martin Goldberg, declined to comment Wednesday. 26 Bwick uses his whole body for a paintbrush and has hair like Whoopi Goldberg. 27 Niko engages in fierce battle with cops after killing Tom Goldberg. 28 She's in good company: Other show-biz ladies of the southpaw persuasion include Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie (her husband Brad Pitt is also a lefty). 29 Pomeranz characterized a $150-billion plan to channel water from the Yangtze to parched Beijing and other fast-growing northern areas as a "big Rube Goldberg contraption." 30 They are a result of the way that the brain, a Rube Goldberg mental contraption, processes memory.