kinetic energy造句61. With the aid of vector method, constraint equation, kinetic energy consideration, the inverse position model, Jacobian matrix and mass matrix have been developed.
62. Energy, at any rate kinetic energy, resists motion in the same way as ponderable masses.
63. Taking into account the conservation of momentum and heat flux, FAM is applied to obtain the similarity functions of velocity, temperature and turbulent kinetic energy.
64. A regular blade turbine operates by transferring kinetic energy from the moving fluid to the turbine fan blades.
65. It is air-cooled. Of course the Hy-Kers has regenerative braking — hit the binders and the kinetic energy is returned to the battery.
66. These components are known as the zonal kinetic energy and eddy kinetic energy respectively.
67. In turbulence model, the simulation applied finite volume method to solve the mass conservation equation, momentum equation, turbulent kinetic energy equation and turbulent dissipation rate equation.
68. In the circumstance the potential energy turns to kinetic energy.
69. The Standard Model lets us calculate that nearly all the mass of protons and neutrons is from the kinetic energy of their constituent quarks and gluons (the remainder is from the quarks ' rest mass).
70. The released electron is accelerated by the applied field and gains kinetic energy.
71. My other option is that I'm going to fire the rocket when I spew out gas in this direction, so I take kinetic energy out.
72. The maximal value of the turbulent kinetic energy appears ahead of the flux. The turbulence enhances when approaching rainfall.
73. Nature can deal with kinetic energy one way or another, but it cannot finagle momentum.
74. The pressure in a perfect gas, being directly proportional to the kinetic energy of the molecules, has a lower bound of zero.
75. Every parameter and kinetic energy target mark can be gained directed by the optimized reservoir operation chart.
76. If multi-disc energy absorber and flexible bumper are linked together, it can significantly turn kinetic energy of tramcar into frictional heat.
77. So we now have a way of calculating the kinetic energy of rotation provided that we know how to calculate the moment of inertia.
78. An engineering model on mass abrasion of kinetic energy(KE) penetrator is presented to predict the nose shape and mass loss of the residual projectile after high speed penetration into concrete.
79. These structures will also change the distribution of velocity and result in variation of the kinetic energy correction factor.
80. Some aspects about electron imaging, such as the calibration of electron velocity and the calculation of angular and kinetic energy distribution are also discussed.
81. Some of the electrons are stopped by the target and their kinetic energy is converted directly to X-radiation .
82. This paper studies on the law of the kinetic energy correction factor near a groyne by a flume experiment basing on one dimensional energy equation of steady flow.
83. The defense means of AMDS in future are introduced, mainly including directed energy weapons and kinetic energy weapons.
84. Time series of horizontal kinetic energy show an obvious seasonal variation with the maximum in winter when jet is strongest and the mimimum in summer when there doesn't exist the jet.
85. Hot carriers refer to the carriers that have gained high kinetic energy after being accelerated by a strong electric field in areas of high field or by impact ionization.
86. Because of the symmetrical shell structure of the icosahedron, the distribution of the ionic kinetic energy features some pinnacles.
87. It has known well armour-piercing damage by armour-piercing warhead, yet it has discussing kinetic energy damage to hit.
88. His teacher went on:" And when you come out, at the age of 21, you can kiss your dream of becoming a famous physicist, doing research into your favourite subject of kinetic energy goodby!
89. It is important to remember that kinetic energy is not conserved in the collision.
90. Guns and rocket engines convert chemical energy of propellants into kinetic energy of projectiles.