快好知 kuaihz

91, An increasingly concerned international community also sounded the alarm, but to no avail. 92, Five hundred militiamen were sent to the scene, but to no avail. 93, They have repeatedly looked for a connection between crustal tides and earthquakes over the past few decades, but to no avail. 94, This is a misconception that forest ecologists have for years been at pains to correct, but to little avail. 95, The peace movement and the criminal law None of these protests proved of any avail. 96, A formal hearing may be dispensed with if the parties do not wish to avail themselves of their right to have one. 97, Henriksen tries to get away from Roberts, but to no avail. 98, But to no avail, for on 11 July 1598 he was taken to the scaffold. 99, The U.S. government had repeatedly complained about the prosecution of Pope, although to no avail. 100, Mr. Thorpe then contacted the Health Authority himself and pleaded his case to no avail. 101, She had desperately scrambled at the shiny sides of the toilet-bowl as she slid into the water but to no avail. 102, Somehow, he managed to flank Pat Buchanan on the right, to no avail. 103, When the mob began burning the car and restaurant, the police fired a few warning shots, but to no avail. 104, One peculiar avenue to success avail oneself of others'resources. 105, He spent money without avail. 106, Empty talk is of no avail. 107, His subtlety could not avail him here. 108, Of what avail is it? 109, I apologized repeatedly, but to little avail. 110, All his efforts avail to nothing. 111, It will avail you little or nothing. 112, We tried to revive him but without avail. 113, All his efforts were without avail. 114, Eloquence will avail you little or nothing. 115, I'm afraid my help didn't avail you much. 116, Now it's done, regrets are of no avail. 117, What outcome are you insisting on and to avail? 118, He labored hard without avail. 119, The facts have testified that team cooperation could make the performance with multiplicator avail. 120, In such case the defendant may, irrespective of the actual fault or privity of the owner, avail himself of the limits of liability prescribed in Article V, paragraph 1.