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151, With high content of Al, the carbide growth tendency of UHCS was decreased during spheroidization, which avail to restrain the growth of matrix. 152, In his fall is left a warning that even the great grace of the Apostolate and the familiar friendship of Jesus may be of no avail to one who is unfaithful. 153, The consortium is pleased and collude the avail , joint use shape. 154, But we must know how to avail of this treasure and how get the most from it. 155, I tried to persuade him not to resign but it was to little avail. 156, I tried to find the famous cliff and the ancient pine on Mount Tai , where my ancestor had sought shelter from rain, regrettably to no avail. 157, To avail of this you need to have a very high credit rating. 158, He jangled it fiercely several times in succession, but without avail. 159, I tried to laugh away her doubts ( fears ), but it proved of no avail. 160, You can either install a wired or wireless network or you can avail of many of the "cloud" solutions such as Google Apps or Dropbox to share common files. 161, Much to my regret that we have made repeated application for payment amount without avail. 162, Time and again he tried to pull his hands free, but to no avail. 163, Jude had eagerly promised to avail himself of the opportunity. 164, Based on that, a model of form and evolvement of reservoir was setup. It was used to forecast the avail area for reservoir upgrowth. 165, Although the scenery unlimited, but the Xingcheng "micro-city of the small words, " kept in purdah knowledge is not yet avail. 166, The precondition of realizing the profit is to maximize the avail of the product consumption of BOI from production to exchange of sport service. 167, Just ask Newcastle United, who last winter pinned their hopes on Kevin Nolan and Ryan Taylor in a bid to arrest their slide down the table, to little avail. 168, Conduct related sales promotion actively, and improve sales expense avail continually.