快好知 kuaihz

61, Asterisks, blanks, initials and general descriptions will not avail, if evidence proves that readers have solved the puzzle correctly. 62, But to no avail; his ears would only come forward momentarily, and would then return to the backwards position again. 63, She moved downwards to tease his limp pego with her luscious melons, but to no avail. 64, The mist also shrouded the fish and we thrashed away mightily, to no avail. 65, After being demolished and outgunned by some indifferent players, he attempted to use the new compounds, but to no avail. 66, For a time we fought against the gathering shadows, but to little avail. 67, Not to be put off, Spurs urged the FA to hold an inquiry - but to no avail. 68, However it was to no avail: the Orcs swarmed across the river floating on broken timber beams and other debris. 69, Anyone wishing to avail themselves of this facility should contact the Hotel direct. 70, Members can avail of the competitive terms of Autocover from the time they become qualified to drive. 71, I advertised in the local rag, but to no avail. 72, He had tried to track Sandy down by phone all afternoon, but to no avail. 73, Although she was treated by a vet, it was to no avail. 74, Workers have tinkered with it for nearly 18 months to no avail. 75, Everything had been tried but to no avail - the suffering had been agony, not even deadened with morphine. 76, They tried to ascertain news of the tsar and his family, but to no avail. 77, It was undesirable to make an order which would in practice be executed before the defendant could avail himself of that opportunity. 78, As to whether, and if so how, Parliament cares to avail itself of this opportunity, the Act is silent. 79, Reverend Jones had asked Mrs Cooper to return to the flock, to no avail. 80, It demonstrates that in the post-Cold War world, middle powers can avail themselves of new power to build coalitions. 81, Work may be done that may be to no avail. 82, He fought and twisted and bit like a mongoose, to no avail. 83, She beat her fists on his back, kicked and shouted and threatened, all to no avail. 84, Nevertheless, many traders will choose to avail themselves of public notice. 85, Kulti, 21, put up a little more resistance in the second set, but to no avail. 86, Their effort to continue life as before, as if nothing had happened, is to no avail. 87, On a reflex, my father ran after the thieves, to no avail, of course. 88, Mrs Foster encouraged the staff to avail themselves of the lodge's delights. 89, I have tried everything I can think of to rectify the situation, but to no avail. 90, Throughout his life Alexander tried to get his work recognized by the medical profession, but to little avail.