快好知 kuaihz

121, From time to time the Chinese government executes particularly egregious offenders, to no apparent avail. 122, One peculiar avenue to success is to avail oneself of others' resources. 123, Drivers of the BMW 5 and 7 Series can also avail of a diagrammatic representation in the Control Display, supplementing the audio warning signal. 124, She tried to argue herself out of the infatuation, but without avail. 125, I tried to borrow some money but to little avail. 126, But I gladly avail myself of them again to press home a much-needed lesson for all who desire to learn truly and fully what waiting on God is. 127, Last month, Japan intervened to slow the yen's gains to little avail, and traders said chances of more official yen selling would increase if the dollar falls below 80 yen. 128, To avail of its proving function and validity, the most important thing is to ensure its originality and truthfulness as the paper files have. 129, Dong Yong and his friends beg the Earth God for the way to go to the celestial palace, to no avail. 130, I would also like to avail myself of this opportunity to welcome the new member, the Republic of South Africa to the Organisation. 131, Libyan rebels avail themselves to a washroom in the mansion of Muatassim Khadafy. 132, Green spiders and spider mite began negotiations, but to no avail. 133, It is a kind of economical and effective means of controlling water-body pollution to avail of water environment purification capacity properly. 134, GE, owner of 75 percent of BAC-Credomatic, will acquire the remaining 25 percent and sell the entire stake to Aval, Bogota- based Avail said in a statement. 135, As often as not, we attempted to elude her, but to no avail. 136, You have been doing fantastic schools, when will you be ready to move it forward and enable more Chinese children to avail of your great education? 137, His repeated protestation of his innocence did not avail him. 138, I tried to laugh away her doubts, but it proved of no avail. 139, So farther to no avail, but a past insight suggests they digit period succeed. 140, Why should not the guilty ones avail themselves of this unutterable solace? 141, He was glad to avail oneself of any means to succeed in life. 142, Why should not the guilty ones sooner avail themselves of this unutterable solace? 143, The experimental results indicated as well that canceling primary sedimentation tank and cesspool when building houses would avail to stable running of sewage treatment plant. 144, A handful of climate-savvy winemakers such as Graves are trying to rouse their colleagues to action before it is too late, but to little avail. 145, She tried hard to pick a hole in what I said, but to no avail. 146, If you choose to avail of our services, you may need to give personal information and authorization to obtain information from various credit services. 147, Dichloro - dimethyl hydantoin is white powder or granules containing 64 . 45 % avail able chlorine. 148, The three phase converter soft switch control can be realized by avail of resonant DC link. 149, He tried to get his work recognized, but to little avail. 150, I am afraid my eloquence did not avail against the facts.