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31. Here, girls are often forced into prostitution because they have no other means of earning money. 32. But if they have not already been forced into prostitution by the time they reach Arizona, they soon will be. 33. Criminal gangs control all the drugs, gambling and prostitution in the city. 34. Parents allow children to be involved in prostitution because they bring in money. 35. At a meeting of the Royal Medical Society in 1860 he gave his own gloss on the prostitution debate. 36. Keller's debut novel is about a Korean woman who was sold into prostitution during World War II. 36. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 37. I am currently researching to write a play about prostitution in this country. 38. Malgosia explained that street prostitution, while not exactly legal, is considered a victimless crime, and carries no penalty. 39. Second, your so-called bride, the pretender Andromeda, will be sold off-island into prostitution. 40. Maternity wards were notably slow to improve, largely due to their popularly believed, if apparently unfounded, association with prostitution. 41. Once involved in prostitution, they often find it hard to give up. 42. The Mafia makes most of its money from prostitution and extorting money from small businesses. 43. The Bennis case was the first civil forfeiture case on record involving prostitution in Wayne County, where Detroit is located. 44. He abolished onerous taxes and puritanically banned prostitution, opium, gambling, even liquor. 45. Along with prostitution, property and drugs, pachinko is their biggest source of revenue. 46. Naively, Smith asked how many had turned to prostitution for lack of money? 47. Most of these girls give up prostitution when they're about 30 and settle down and marry. 48. The road will bring inevitable problems such as child prostitution. 49. They focused popular discontent over the double-standard and the complicity of aristocratic men in child prostitution. 50. Watch Committees were organized to keep an eye on prostitution and the granting of licences to publicans. 51. San Francisco police have said they suspect some Hip Sing members were involved in gambling and prostitution. 52. The Committee's recommendations on prostitution were acted upon with far more haste than those concerning homosexual conduct. 53. Clearly many issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution, and even poverty are socially constructed problems. 54. The showdown came when the Andover people helped impose a ban on prostitution. 55. City officials were hoping the name change would help curb the prostitution which festered in the area during the 1970s. 56. Interest in runaways, street children and child prostitution has heightened during the 1980s. 57. I would like to hear from women who are now or who have been involved in prostitution. 58. Prostitution was not only tolerated, but it had been institutionalized. 59. It set up a House of Lords Select Committee in 1881 to examine the extent of juvenile prostitution. 60. Prostitution is no longer an attractive option to ensure economic survival.