快好知 kuaihz

91. the seedy world of prostitution. 92. Some people consider prostitution a victimless crime. 93. It was poverty that reduced her to prostitution. 94. Brothels, she insists, are the acceptable face of prostitution. 95. The public opinion condemns prostitution. 96. Homosexuality, prostitution and abortion permeated every level of society. 97. He is involved in gambling and prostitution rackets. 98. A federal jury found the so-called DC madam guilty of running a high-end prostitution ring. Deborah Palfrey said her now- defunct business was an "erotic fantasy service". 99. Immediately after its founding, New China adopted resolute measures to outlaw prostitution. 100. Can prostitution disappear without dragging monogamy with it into the abyss? 101. Gambling, prostitution, thievery, and drug peddling became respected occupations, corrupting the next generation in childhood. 102. Tom Steinfatt of the University of Miami, who studies the trafficking of women and children in South-East Asia, says under-age prostitution has declined sharply in Cambodia. 103. What, you have some puritanical hang - up about prostitution? 104. Bruno was the youngest son, and ostensibly not connected with the Family business of prostitution. 105. He made the remarks to La Repubblica, a Left-leaning national newspaper that has repeatedly called for his resignation over the prostitution scandal. 106. In 2006, Nassau County set up a prostitution sting operation focusing on Craigslist; around the country, the police routinely arrest prostitutes operating on the site. 107. It is said that prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. 108. In Lithuania, I was asked: what's Britain doing to change attitudes towards prostitution? 109. You were engaged in negotiating an act of prostitution, were you not? 110. Speaking in terms of sex work also helps take prostitution out of an invisible or unspeakable space, thereby removing moral charges that promote stereotypes and stigmatization. 111. Therefore your daughters turn to prostitution and your daughters-in-law to adultery. 112. The creation of red-light district, prostitution legal, the male prostitute who is bound to increase significantly. 113. A South American girl will be trafficked into Canada under an "exotic dancer" visa and forced into prostitution. 114. Although some victims end up working as indentured servants, the vast majority are sold into prostitution. 115. Strip clubs began to crop up in Moscow, and the city became notorious for its vodka-fuelled 24-hour partying, prostitution and smoke-filled bars. 116. If the pro dom's behavior includes sexual contact or the direct acceptance of a fee, the club owner can be charged with pimping or pandering and the dominatrix with prostitution. 117. Critics argue that they legitimise exploitation and abuse, providing dubious working conditions and spawning a vast knock-on industry of illegal street prostitution. 118. Wujiang Road, once euphemistically called Love Lane, was a center for prostitution in prewar Shanghai and was later known for its snack stalls. 119. There have been calls for the local government to ban prostitution. 120. The curl like convenient cover lets COCO look to lead prostitution energy of life slightly, not quite modern avant-courier , and the messy hairstyle of wine red makes COCO more enchanting and moving!