快好知 kuaihz

61. Ministers have recently addressed the issues of child prostitution and trafficking. 62. In addition, a large migrant labour force is conducive to prostitution. 63. Women are told it's prostitution or a beating, or death. 64. Unlike its recommendations on homosexual conduct, the section of the report that dealt with prostitution was largely uncontroversial. 65. Only one thing she drew the line at and that was when the prostitution took up bairns. 66. Women can become so desperate for money that they turn to prostitution. 67. Pepe runs a prostitution ring using street kids who sell maps to the homes of the stars between tricks. 68. The House approved the creation of a special panel to find ways to tackle child prostitution and forced adult prostitution. 69. There can be no doubt of the symbolic importance of prostitution to the Victorians. 70. You expect robbers to leap out at you or murders in the dark or prostitution up the lanes. 71. The state has managed both to condone and to condemn prostitution. 72. Many of the pimps, and some of the girls,[Sentence dictionary] have been forced into prostitution to feed a deadly heroin addiction. 73. The gang warfare ripping through the shanties is fuelled by what has replaced politics after Aristide: prostitution, drugs and ritual. 74. Instead the party will set up a top level group to investigate prostitution and draw up plans for new laws. 75. The Tongs began importing women for prostitution in late 1853. 76. Plenty of men and women think prostitution should be decriminalized. 77. Meanwhile, prostitution increases in rural areas, where unemployment has tripled and school drop-out rates for girls are soaring. 78. For instance, I recall David Davis being asked by his class of adolescents if they could do some drama about prostitution. 79. Injecting drug use is specified as a risk, and there is a convoluted but discernible reference to prostitution. 80. Many girls in difficult positions resisted prostitution, whether formal or informal. 81. It was a deliberate lie on the part of regulationists to accuse repealers of having no desire to rescue women from prostitution. 82. Prostitution would be made legal - and kerb-crawlers would not risk being arrested. 83. Yorris's youth organisation is involved in gambling, prostitution and protection rackets. 84. Moreover, prostitution and venereal disease, supposedly eliminated under Mao, are once again flourishing. 85. The private was the nest of domestic virtues: the public was the arena of prostitution, of vice on the streets. 86. Western gunfights were alcohol-related, or else involved battles over gambling, prostitution, or political preferment. 87. Burglaries, muggings, prostitution and murders are attributed to illegal immigrants from across the Adriatic. 88. She has difficulty with prostitution as something to be understood because she has no direct experience with it-it is beyond her comprehension. 89. Concubinage and prostitution spread everywhere. 90. He considers prostitution to be a victimless crime.