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121. In the Middle Ages, Christianity emphasized on abstinency, but bore with prostitute, and treated prostitution as a necessary evil. 122. Tourists to the ancient city of Ephesus, in Greece, will be shown ancient graffiti advertising prostitution. 123. Despite a burst of licentiousness in the early 1990s, when pornography and prostitution surged through the country, the sexual revolution has never really taken hold here. 124. Expatriates involved in prostitution or soliciting may be expelled from China, or deportation and penalization "may be applicable, " according to the law. 125. Along with the impending marriage crisis and already endangered family unit, subsequent problems will likely include increased underage marriage and forced prostitution. 126. The mob controlled gambling,[http:///prostitution.html] prostitution and drug traffic in the city. 127. A cold spirit of vanity, that had no warm human contacts, and that was as corrupt as any low-born Jew, in craving for prostitution to the bitch-goddess, Success. 128. He grows restless , seducing a manicurist and pressing her to prostitution. 129. In some cases, police are discouraged by local governments from cracking down on prostitution, gambling and loan-sharking, as long as violence isn't involved, says Mr. Chin of Rutgers. 130. Many will fall into prostitution or beggary, whatever the law says and high-minded donors hope. 131. Methods Collect the blood of people taking up cosmetology, mulberry, the sex out-patient service, drug taking, prostitution, to examine the Anti - HIV by the way of ELISA. examine out-patient in STD. 132. Prostitution may be a grubby business, but it's not the government's. 133. In God and Sex: What the Bible Really Says, he discusses everything from marriage and prostitution to "fire" in God's own loins (yeah, you may want to reread the Book of Ezekiel). 134. For the Tattaglia Family dealt in women. Its main'business was prostitution. 135. He out on a limb when he declared his support for the legalization of prostitution. 136. Other work, including child prostitution and bonded labor, is unambiguously detrimental to children. 137. Panders were warned or arrested in the anti - prostitution campaign. 138. But Anderson's platform may not match the tough-on-crime Alliance. She wants affordable housing, better public transport and decriminalization of marijuana and prostitution. 139. The owner looked at her and said, "Look, I should tell you first that this bird used to live in a house of prostitution and sometimes it says some pretty vulgar stuff." 140. Prostitution disappears; monogamy, instead of collapsing , at last becomes a reality -- also for men. 141. The Criminal Code says a "common bawdy-house" is any place that someone keeps or occupies for the purpose of prostitution. 142. At least one parlour in the tourist town of Batu on Java island has required its masseuses to padlock their skirts or trousers to make it clear that the establishment does not tolerate prostitution. 143. Yes, yes, I know. Prostitution is obscene, debasing and disgraceful. 144. In addition to the United States individual states have red-light district, the very strict legal prohibition of prostitution, sex workers must seize the sentence, but someone prostitution. 145. Forced prostitution is a billion - dollar business for organized crime. 146. The hotel is in Hong Kong's Wanchai district, the setting of The World of Suzie Wong, a 1960 film about prostitution in the city, and the area is still said to be popular with visiting sailors. 147. Liu Yanhua, a girl of 17, wounded the procuress who forced her to practice prostitution. 148. In some states (like Arizona), laws related to prostitution include sadomasochistic acts and in others (like California) sexual contact must be made to be charged. 149. It bans actions to organize, force, seduce , shelter or introduce women to engage in prostitution. 150. As a popular state attorney general, he successfully prosecuted cases against Wall Street stock traders, mob leaders and several prostitution rings.