快好知 kuaihz

get home造句
61. He was allowed to go out, but his parents made it a condition that he should get home before midnight. 62. In his haste to get home, he forgot to go to the library. 63. To cut a long story short, we didn't get home until 3 in the morning! 64. What time do you usually get home in the evening? 65. I've got to clean up before my parents get home. 66. I'm sure we'll find her hard at work when we get home. 67. It was a lovely/nasty, etc. surprise to get home and find the letter. 68. You must get home to John where the difficulty lies. 69. When I get home I like to collapse on the sofa and listen to music. 70. After travelling all summer, I was glad to get home. 71. I've got to get home and feed this little monster. 72. They wanted to get home to watch telly. 73. I never eat anything when I get home. 74. Some troops expressed impatience to get home. 75. I said I had to get home. 76. I'll email you my resume when I get home. 77. How are the kids going to get home? 78. When you get home, start your homework right away. 79. He doesn't usually get home in the daytime. 80. I turn around to ask her if she knows how I can get home. 81. Every day I considered myself lucky to get home from school without serious injury. 82. After commencing retraining, the ex POWs, like most soldiers on a home posting, endeavoured to get home at weekends. 83. If she could get to Tottenham Court Road tube station, she could get home almost on automatic pilot. 84. The real test would be in the evening when surfers get home from work or school. 85. If we get out, we just tag along behind you until you get home, and we vanish. 86. We enjoy all the articles, and the Escapes pages give us ideas for when we get home. 87. His new schedule allows him to help with carpooling in the morning, get home earlier, and not work weekends. 88. When we get home, the dogs are always excited to see us. 89. So I strongly advise you to swot it up when you get home tonight. 90. I am really attracted by it, but I can't wait to get home.