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get home造句
151. When you get home, do you potter about in the garden or sit in front of the television? 152. Hannah knew her mom would flip out if she didn't get home on time. 153. He gave us a long song and dance about how he needed money to get home. 154. It also advises diners to put a toilet roll in the freezer when they get home. 155. For your own well being we highly recommend that you immediately put your toilet roll in the freezer when you get home. 156. "Remaining eight newspaper, " maggie card said to me, "wait him from the side walk over and we will get home. 157. They hug goodbye and Sofia tells him to get home safe. 158. After we get home from a party I discover a barrette clutched in her hand. 159. I want to get home early to see my favorite TV program. 160. You'll be fast asleep by the time we get home. 161. Ooh, speaking of keeping busy - I have an early start tomorrow, and the baby - sitter has to get home. 162. Their help enabled the children to get home safe and sound.