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get home造句
121. Because police had cordoned off Lake Drive, she was unable to get home to check on her ranch. 122. My sister did not get home from her housecleaning job until after dark. 123. A lot of the real estate conventioneers make airline reservations so they can get home for Sunday church. 124. When I get home Mrs Marsh has polished off half the biscuits in the tin and the teapot is all but empty. 125. There were so many delays - it seemed as if we would never get home. 126. She could hardly wait to get home, take off her clothes and twist her hair off her neck. 127. Gotta Get Home Quick March On The Double! 128. You had best get home before midnight. 129. We had best get home before midnight. 130. When I get home I get my second wind. 131. His work made it impossible for him to get home oftener than every other weekend. 132. "No, sir, " went on Bert musingly , "school's no fun, and it starts about a week after we get home. No chance to have a good time! " 133. The swine flu may cause the W.H.O. to cut short its nine-day annual conference of world health ministers so they can get home to fight the disease, Reuters reported. 134. We'll have to pull out all the stops if we want to get home before dark. 135. Ann Cochrane, 58, a market researcher originally from Beith in Ayrshire, was trying to get home to Toronto, where she now lives. 136. Don't make a scene; let's discuss this when we get home. 137. Since April when we go to school and get home from school every day and when we go out, we have to wear hats and masks and wear long trousers. It is very uncomfortable. 138. I'd get home and swear I had bought Italian bread only to find a loaf of fat-free wheat bread. 139. A light drizzle was falling as my sister Jill and I ran out of the Methodist Church, eager to get home and play with the presents that Santa had left for us and our baby sister, Sharon. 140. The plus side of crock pot cooking is that when you get home, it's all done and you don't have to spend an hour making dinner. 141. Harry:Oh,speaking of keeping busy-I have an early start tomorrow,and the baby-sitter has to get home. 142. Do you think the petrol will last out until we get home? 143. Pack all your frozen foods together in an insulated container to keep them frozen until you get home. 144. I took a long time to get home because everyone was gassing in the shop. 145. He will be in for it if he doesn't get home on time. 146. If we push forward, we can get home before dark. 147. We should probably hit the road . It's going to take us two hours to get home. 148. Another shadow passed by quickly as if eagerly running to get home. 149. He be in for it if he doesn't get home on time. 150. He took the redeye in order to get home the next morning.