快好知 kuaihz

get home造句
91. My kids leave dirty plates stacked up in the sink until I get home. 92. Let's go on. I want to get home before it gets dark. 93. They did not expect to get home, says the poet; still, they went to sleep. 94. The first thing I do when I get home from school is get changed. 95. I get home and I have no time to myself. 96. They had travelled to Berlin merely in order to join the queue of refugees trying to get home. 97. Police contend Bagby nearly ran over two officers in a mad scramble to get home. 98. Last week long-term season ticket holder Jan Buttigieg was incensed to discover that she couldn't get home. 99. He took the train and then the ferry to get home to Staten Island. 100. I did not get home till 6:00 am on sunday after the spurs game!!! but that's another story. 101. I know it's a train station and that, but I du n no how to get home from here. 102. When I get home I want some good food like I want some rice and peas and curry and all that stuff. 103. But it was something of a Cinderella situation-I had to get home early or risk another hot reception from Uncle. 103. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 104. Everyone has the capability of making themselves something good to eat when they get home in the evening. 105. It was only because John kept his wits about him that the boys managed to get home safely. 106. Like Captain Scott, I was in a hurry to get home. 107. The first thing I'm going to do when I get home is take a nap. 108. Best of all though, you don't need to charge the batteries up when you get home. 109. I would get home at about 7.30 in the evening and I still had to do my homework. 110. When I get home at night, I bring out my kanji book and find the characters. 111. Why shave after you get home to the pitch black cabin and repeat the fumbling around? 112. The boys were older now; she could tarry a bit, and not get home until four. 113. What she must do was concentrate on getting her memory back so that she could get home to them as soon as humanly possible. 114. We busted a gut trying to get home on time. 115. Suddenly all she wanted to do was get home and bury her head under her pillow. 116. Glickman was late for a Monday speech in Reno, Nev., and needed all Tuesday to get home. 117. Call me when you get home from school - don't forget now! 118. When you get home, take your heels off, stretch your toes and rotate your ankles to relax the muscles. 119. If she wanted to get home in comfort, she would have to find a cashpoint. 120. Or for not moving Providence closer to Hanover, so I could get home earlier.