快好知 kuaihz

1. The article describes the chronological sequence of events. 2. Give me the dates in chronological order. 3. I have arranged these stories in chronological order. 4. We arranged the documents in chronological order . 5. The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure. 6. The anthology is broadly chronological. 7. The paintings are exhibited in chronological sequence. 8. Put the files in alphabetical/chronological order. 9. We've found it less difficult to learn the chronological table of the Chinese dynasties in chronological order. 10. The facts should be presented clearly and in chronological order. 11. Carbon dating provides the archaeologist with a basic chronological framework. 12. Does one experience past lives in reverse chronological order? 13. Try a tight chronological order to connect each event. 14. Dates must be listed in strict chronological order. 15. The remaining six groups clustered approximately in chronological order. 16. If so, chronological age might influence treatment policy. 17. It follows a chronological script, interspersing documentary footage with the acted narrative. 18. The more or less chronological order of the essays allows certain themes to emerge and evolve over time. 19. Two of the entries are not in chronological order, which suggests that the recording of events was sometimes delayed. 20. They were in chronological order and I saw him grow older before my eyes. 21. The earliest Ottoman sources, the chronological lists, moreover, give some support for this statement. 22. The exhibition will be basically chronological in format with a concluding section of twenty-one drawings. 22.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 23. The chronological introduction of different alloys can then be compared between different cultures and geographical areas. 24. The corridor is devoted to old black-and-white photographs showing, in chronological order, the construction of the house. 25. Starting in 1993, the label plans to re-release all the Smiths albums on compact disc in chronological sequence. 26. Carrow also suggests that, for children scoring below their chronological age equivalent, the separate subtests can provide useful qualitative information. 27. Bertelli's text is shorter, but does include a catalogue of the surviving paintings and a chronological table. 28. The predominant motive for writing this type of history is to demonstrate chronological sequence. 29. Similarly, archaeologists can use exports and imports of objects to extend chronological linkages by means of cross-dating. 30. Second rule is: All articles written on the Grand Canyon must be written in chronological order.