快好知 kuaihz

121. The Post Office aims to improve its quality of service. 122. A glossy magazine has lots of pictures of fashionable clothes and is printed on good quality paper. 123. She showed great discrimination in rejecting the poor quality teas. 124. We conduct regular checks on the quality of our products. 125. Text can be scaled from 4 points to 108 points without any loss of quality. 126. It is only on the world market that we can prove the competitiveness and quality of our goods. 127. He deprecated the low quality of entrants to the profession. 128. The man in the shop gave me his pitch about quality and reliability. 129. A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality. 130. The China Daily has decreased in size, but not in quality. 131. We might just as well be in prison for all the quality our lives have at present. 132. A restaurant has to tread the tricky path between maintaining quality and keeping prices down. 133. There has to be a trade-off between quality and quantity if we want to keep prices low. 134. Companies tend to favour the lawyer who has trained with a good quality City firm. 135. Your work has improved in quantity and quality this term. 136. He was daunted by the high quality of work they expected. 137. I think the company places too much stress on cost and not enough on quality. 138. Despite a reduction in earnings there are compensations in moving to the north-east where the quality of life is excellent. 139. Top quality cigars are being sold at a premium . 140. Every school accords high priority to the quality of teaching. 141. The quality of your work augurs well for the examinations next month. 142. The trend towards downshifting, where employees swap the stress of corporate life for more quality time, tempted 6% of the UK workforce last year. 143. The quality of food in the shops is back in the spotlight. 144. The price of this shirt is not high, considering its quality. 145. He makes sure he spends a few hours quality time with his children every day. 146. Compact discs have brought about a vast improvement in recorded sound quality. 147. This new firm will attract the crowds,whatever its quality, provided that it gets played up in the right way. 148. Courage is a quality that is sorely lacking in world leaders today. 149. This is a quality garment which should give years of wear. 150. In old age he finally had the satisfaction of seeing the quality of his work recognized.