快好知 kuaihz

31. They fully recognize the need to proceed carefully. 32. The UK has refused to recognize the new regime. 33. How will I recognize you? 34. We didn't recognize them until they closed on us. 35. She looked so haunted, I almost didn't recognize her. 36. I didn't recognize him-he's grown a beard. 37. That's Lucy I recognize her step. 38. He became delirious and couldn't recognize people. 39. This book will help you recognize your individuality. 40. You can often recognize people by their walk. 41. I can always recognize her backhand. 42. I didn't recognize the writing. 43. Well, of course I recognize that evil exists. 44. She didn't recognize him in his sloppy everyday clothes. 45. Do you recognize that man in the grey suit? 46. People know that and recognize its matter. 47. I recognize my own shortcomings. 48. They do not recognize her many excellences. 49. You learn to recognize the calls of different birds. 50. He'd completely changed - I didn't recognize him. 51. I recognize his father in him . 52. He didn't recognize the address of the rendezvous. 53. I recognize you. Aren't you on television? 54. Harry was puzzled that Nicholas didn't seem to recognize him. 55. It is important to recognize jealousy and to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. 56. The government does not recognize the legality of this court. 57. Even those of us with a tin ear can recognize a waltz. 58. Are you willing to stand up in court and swear that you don't recognize him? 59. I recognize the tune but I can't put a name to it. 60. I saw the car drive past,[www.] but didn't recognize the woman behind the wheel.