快好知 kuaihz

121. She was encouraged to find constructive ways to recognize feelings of anger and express them. 122. Other patterns do provide, however, an opportunity to recognize such integral stylistic affinity. 123. Here at once we recognize the language of Anselm's warmest and most demanding friendship. 124. Even popular magazine articles recognize that there are appropriate steps necessary to being happy. 125. It is hard for a closed-mind to recognize and seize opportunity. It is possible for a thinking mind to create and make opportunity.Dr T.P.Chia 126. Mitchell looked away chafing against this infiltration, of being led by Kingsley to recognize himself, the meaninglessness of his position. 127. But the aid package will not control drugs-because the policy fails to recognize the roots of the conflict. 128. We have already seen that there are cells in the visual cortex that recognize edges. 129. Bruch criticized obesity researchers for failing to recognize that dieting was not only psychologically debilitating but medically simple-minded. 130. These Wild Things recognize Max as one of their own, at least in spirit, and crown him their king. 131. Ultimately, this work covers issues that combat veterans of any modern war would quickly recognize. 132. They can even recognize depth and may respond with a defensive reaction to approaching objects. 133. We now recognize more clearly that different classifications are needed for the different kinds of questions we want to ask. 134. Wars are not really acts of aggression and defense, for we must recognize a difference between proximate and true causes. 135. It fails to recognize that child-rearing is both a vital and demanding job which deserves adequate remuneration. 136. Although we must not make the mistake of conflating Asians and Asian-Americans, we must recognize that international issues have domestic implications. 137. It should also comfort to recognize that, in the final analysis, these sums are operating to purify decision-making. 138. Something which she, brought up in a crowded street, could not fail to recognize. 139. Illiterate people may be able to recognize and decipher signs. 140. Another sure way to recognize that you have covered all bases is your own sense of expertness. 141. Even if his beloved wife could speak to RoboCop, she would no longer recognize the man in all that garb. 142. Time And health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.Denis Waitley 143. I recognize no human moral authority outside my existential self. 144. But a blind person can still recognize a friend by the sound of his footsteps or even his scent. 145. La Marche,[www.] Limoges and the lordships of the Pyrenees had been brought to recognize his authority. 146. Successful people recognize the need to keep changing and improving themselves with the circumstances.Dr T.P.Chia 147. You only recognize it when it rises in bodily form, like the Daurog itself. 148. But it does recognize the need for the educators to find ways of helping them cope. 149. I would recognize the slanted eyes, the dark glistening skin and the high cheekbones anywhere. 150. Now, I try to make it a point to get out in the boardroom to recognize something or some one.