快好知 kuaihz

91. She did not recognize the coat of arms on his shield. 92. Is it too late to recognize the mistake and try to put it right? 93. The discerning customer will recognize this as a high quality product. 94. The new law released employers from their obligation to recognize unions. 95. His red hair and short stature made him easy to recognize. 96. Take a look at this picture and see if you recognize anyone. 97. The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to recognize. 98. Would we recognize that as ground for asylum? 99. It was nearly impossible to recognize the charred bodies. 100. Failure to recognize this leads to circular arguments. 101. It is the competence to recognize and enact the rules, procedures and forms of understanding of a particular cultural environment. 102. They recognize that their overall goal is to launch their child into the world, as an independent and responsible young adult. 103. The mood on the street is positive, and the larger property owners appear to recognize the potential benefits. 104. Classroom activities here would prepare the learners to recognize the relevant co-occurrences and correlations as they occur in actual use. 105. Such organizations have many other characteristics which anybody who has worked in them for any length of time will recognize. 106. Tony appeared to recognize a link between the two situations, which he had failed to appreciate until then. 107. I recognize that publishers will not accede to all the details of this plan. 108. We recognize that a collection of factors explain the decline of the Liberal party 1906-24. 109. Dreams and dialectics Hippy and student activist continue to recognize each other as allies. 110. It was the post-conciliar Church that came increasingly to recognize this as the norm, at least for smaller congregations. 111. I think we recognize that we still have a chance to be a good team. 112. Soon he crossed a stream which he did not recognize. 113. Teach your children to recognize bigotry and not be a part of it. 114. So the later explorers, on their arrival at the much-praised bay, therefore failed to recognize it. 115. At first he did not recognize the tune, and then he caught its cadences. 116. When we feel unwell in some way or another we do not always recognize stress as the culprit. 117. She was also psychotic, seemed to recognize no one, talked constantly in meaningless sequences. 118. Readers will recognize the Ktesibios floating valve as the predecessor to the floating ball in the upper chamber of the porcelain throne. 119. Isolated at home, and without a network of contacts, many fail to recognize and market their own skills. 120. To recognize that the transformation of gay culture begins at home.