快好知 kuaihz

61. I'm afraid I just didn't recognize him - I hope he didn't feel slighted. 62. I know enough about art to recognize a masterpiece when I see one. 63. I didn't ignore her intentionally - I just didn't recognize her. 64. The company had been slow to recognize the opportunities available to it. 65. She was sufficiently self-aware to recognize the cause of her problems. 66. You must recognize the seriousness of the problems we are facing. 67. He was beaten so badly that his brother didn't recognize him. 68. Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize. 69. We need to recognize that certain uses of the land upon which we live are simply wrong. 70. I didn't recognize the man who was serving behind the bar. 71. I don't recognize this word -- what does it mean? 72. I simply didn't recognize her and apparently she took it as a snub. 73. Her mind seemed to be wandering and she didn't recognize us. 74. I wonder if I'll recognize Philip after all these years. 75. He looked my way, but didn't seem to recognize me. 76. He walked along in the shadows hoping no one would recognize him. 77. Most doctors appear to recognize homeopathy as a legitimate form of medicine. 78. Many fail to recognize that all these things are in danger of being denied. 79. Take a good look at the photo and see if you recognize anyone in it. 80. He was unable to recognize his assailant in the dark. 81. It requires no great exertion of the imagination to recognize the truth of this. 82. If you recognize 'any of the people in the photograph,[http:///recognize.html] tell us. 83. Doctors are trained to recognize the symptoms of different diseases. 84. I went over to say hello, but Vincent didn't recognize me. 85. I seem to recognize the quotation, but I cannot pin it down to its author. 86. You can recognize a tree by the shape of its leaves. 87. He is a mere nobody, and it is mere a matter of time for people to recognize him. 88. It is important to recognize how little we know about this disease. 89. These criminal gangs only recognize the law of the jungle. 90. The teacher flashed up each word to see if the children would recognize it.