快好知 kuaihz

31. These dishes can quicken your appetite. 32. Don't eat that cake now; you'll spoil your appetite. 33. A salad won't be enough to satisfy my appetite. 34. The long walk has given me a good appetite. 35. Some drugs can suppress the appetite. 36. His appetite has returned to normal. 37. His power appetite was haltered by his bad health. 38. The sandwich took the edge off my appetite. 39. He has an amazing appetite for hard work. 40. He had no appetite for the fight. 41. His appetite for power had grown. 42. After a week she had regained her appetite. 43. Don't spoil your appetite by eating sweets before meals. 44. The baby has a good appetite. 45. The smell from the garbage dulled her appetite. 46. The BBC recognizes the public appetite for serious information. 47. The symptoms include aching limbs and loss of appetite. 48. Reading the first story whetted my appetite for more. 49. Go for a walk. It'll give you an appetite. 50. The public have an insatiable appetite for scandal. 51. Don't spoil your appetite by eating sweets between meals. 52. Let's just say he's got a healthy appetite . 53. All that digging has given me an appetite. 54. Her appetite for shopping became the stuff of legend. 55. That one kiss had whetted his appetite. 56. I seem to have lost my appetite lately. 57. She had no appetite and began to lose weight. 58. Reading travel brochures whets one's appetite for a holiday. 59. I have always had a small appetite. 60. She has a healthy appetite.