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121. Walburga once suppressed the voracious appetite of a child by having her consume three ears of grain. 122. A big rainbow-colored sign lists several prescription appetite suppressants, vitamins, and minerals. 123. If that's not enough to whet your appetite, we've 100 £4 entrance tickets to give away free! 124. A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.Leo Tolstoy 124. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 125. Circulation problems, arthritis, other medical conditions or a poor appetite can add to this. 126. Rhys Williams was very convincing and his books did much to whet my appetite to visit the vast Soviet empire. 127. He has a voracious appetite for knowledge about what is happening around every corner in New York City. 128. And, to whet your appetite, there are many delightful colour photographs. 129. The modern suburban family has a relentless appetite for housing, supermarkets and motorways. 130. As one would expect of two old pros with an insatiable appetite for the game, we hardly stopped talking about football. 131. And, as that memory hurt yet again, she all at once completely lost her appetite. 132. Like sand in an hourglass, simultaneously pulled in both directions by the mysterious appetite of a two-headed gravity. 133. Might which controls and appropriates solely for self fosters an appetite for even more power. 134. It is important to re-educate your eating pattern, and your appetite, towards three meals a day. 135. In Seoul, the secret meeting with Kim whetted the appetite of those few who were aware of it. 136. A while ago she had felt hungry; now her appetite seemed suddenly to have faded. 137. Illness is a major cause of loss of appetite, often compounding existing health problems. 138. The afflicted person will complain of aches and pains, headache, sore throat, loss of appetite, and general malaise. 139. To whet your appetite, here are some of the most commonly asked questions about fine vintage wines. 140. Reams of data, miles of magnetic tape, but none of it satisfies even my own primitive appetite for answers. 141. There may be a generalized constitutional upset with fever, headache, loss of appetite and weight, and joint pains. 142. Right now there are two Wilsons with all the ego and appetite that involves time travelling across the city of their dreams. 143. Zanoyan believes banks may have lost their appetite for government debt. 144. He awoke with a slight headache and a keen appetite, a very unusual combination for him. 145. Ultimately the batterer is himself tricked by his lustful appetite, and his violent acts inevitably escalate. 146. Inevitably London, the greatest centre of mass and conspicuous consumption, dominated with its tremendous appetite. 147. They ate steak pudding with exceptional appetite and, when everything was cleared away, Melanie ran upstairs to comb her hair. 148. But they are unlikely to have much of an appetite this morning. 149. Disease may dampen down the appetite, and a diminution in the senses of taste or smell may make food less appealing. 150. When stressed, we release cortisone into the body and this increases the appetite.