快好知 kuaihz

151. They have shown tremendous enthusiasm and a great appetite for work. 152. The socialists were not alone at the banquet of graft, but they had a particularly voracious appetite. 153. The Rockefeller episode vividly demonstrates the Republican appetite for strife. 154. Regular, moderate exercise helps regulate the appetite so that it more closely reflects your calorie needs.http:// 155. Indeed, there may be an appetite for a new past to explain the new present. 156. The association between echographic measurement and visual scales is a simple method of evaluating the relationship between the stomach and appetite. 157. His appetite for meat, pasta and pretty women is said to be undiminished. 158. She addressed her young guest with civilities suitable for a personage of advanced years and uncertain appetite. 159. Many of the pills and capsules which are sold to slimmers as appetite suppressants consist largely of methyl cellulose. 160. Even when Emma had gone her appetite had not slackened. 161. Their observations concerning the insatiable appetite for immediate team success from the age of eight are so relevant. 162. The little creatures have an endless appetite, and a digestive system that turns almost anything into perfect compost. 163. Her diarrhoea decreased with improved appetite and weight gain, a rising serum albumin, and resolution of her peripheral oedema. 164. The result was a mutually-degrading spectacle that fed our appetite for making others look stupid. 165. It gives but a flavour of what has gone before and what is to come but how the appetite was whetted. 166. Today men across the land continue to hunt compulsively, despite a possibly declining need or appetite for the available game. 167. But this was not the only series that fed on viewers' appetite for nostalgic programming. 168. The yellow roots are said to make a bitter tea that stimulates the appetite and soothes cankers. 169. It is theoretically possible that caffeine somehow inhibits parts of the brain, such as the hypothalamus, involved in regulating appetite. 170. Obviously this would have some realistic effect in satisfying the appetite. 171. One parallel with the Marshall period is the appetite for advice to both government and enterprises. 172. She must be growing; she's got a big appetite right now. 173. She remembered Martin as a strapping youth with a big appetite. 174. Knowing Anthony's appetite that was probably a very fair deal, Nigel thought. 175. There may also be flatulence, pain, nausea, loss of appetite, weakness and weight loss. 176. More than 27 shops and nine restaurants will satiate your appetite for consumption. 177. It's full steam ahead as investors get appetite for perks on a plate. 178. The dangers of the climb up Mt. Washington only whetted our appetite for more adventure. 179. Food symbolises many things in this film, but the recurring image is of a cycle of fleshly decay fuelled by appetite. 180. Symptoms of the illness include fever, fatigue, and loss of appetite.