快好知 kuaihz

181. Mint - Half a teaspoon of dried or fresh green mint leaves is helpful for nausea, stomach upsets and encourages appetite. 182. Many people, particularly night-workers, feel that they lose their appetite in the middle of the night. 183. I'm very concerned about Veronica. She looks so pale, and she has no appetite. 184. I never took a meal with him, but I should be surprised to find that he ate with a good appetite. 185. There were far fewer flags, a distinct lack of appetite for celebration. 186. An excess of vitamin D can cause tiredness and weakness, loss of appetite and vomiting. 187. I swallowed the last bite of the roll, but it merely whetted my appetite. 188. If he is inspired by his appetite, he is immune to the Influence of Messrs. 189. She had set to with a will, but had been dismayed to discover that her appetite did not match it. 190. In this case, the first thing to go was his appetite. 191. I've started reading your column in the Sunday Express but that won't satisfy my insatiable appetite for your peerless wit. 192. I turn aside and bite off food for which I have no appetite. 193. His appetite was enormous, but he never seemed to put on an ounce of weight. 194. I hadn't really grasped what they were talking about, but my two successes in Madrid had whetted my appetite. 195. That glimpse he had had of Capri with Dickie had only whetted his appetite. 196. But the animals would lose their appetite and lose weight, and so would be worth less. 197. Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.RONALD REAGAN 198. However, by this time I had outgrown my adolescent appetite for being shocked and had acquired some knowledge of parapsychology. 199. A high-powered grill that has a healthy appetite for the biggest brunch. 200. The only instant adverse side effect is a desperate thirst, stiff aching muscles and a loss of appetite. 201. The parasite, originating in human fecal matter, in turn causes diarrhea, fatigue, loss of appetite and cramps. 202. Has experienced a change in one of the following: appetite, sleep patterns, concentration or energy levels? 3. 203. Reports showing heartier growth will weaken investors' appetite for fixed-income securities, he said. 204. Could we have possibly caught the leader, leaving the shoal bewildered and with sudden loss of appetite? 205. Seaside entrepreneurs had been feeding this appetite, building this market, for several generations already. 206. Having the appetite to get out there and do your stuff is the key factor for an international player. 207. Trolls are greatly feared because of their unthinking ferocity and indiscriminate appetite. 208. I had eaten with Minna, but the cold had stimulated my appetite again. 209. But there is little appetite in the EU for financial sanctions. 210. But the appetite for rough justice which the gun-toting sheriff satisfied does not easily go away.