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31. Both are characteristics the Tiphook chairman has in abundance. 32. There were wood and game in abundance and shelter from the storms of the plains. 33. Livings together will happen in abundance, of course; but marriage will be another matter: marriage will imply intent to procreate. 34. The large numbers of evening primrose in Liverpool reflect its abundance on the sand dunes just outside the city. 35. It hardly matters, because examples of bias are there in abundance, and some take fairly systematic forms. 36. Brion combines his scholarship and expert musicianship with the same flair for real entertainment that Sousa himself possessed in abundance. 37. It was hard to imagine that a place with so much natural abundance had been so devastated in just a few years. 38. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have too much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.Theodore Roosevelt 39. Mercury thus contains a much greater abundance of denser materials, the strong implication being that it is rich in metallic iron. 40. He owns to a Straussian abundance that needs Stravinskian discipline. 41. I still have an abundance of energy that leaves my contemporaries standing. 42. An abundance of grave goods, especially painted wares, accompanied the burials. 43. She had an abundance of tales from the old colonial days, when she had been cook for a white family. 44. Unhappily, habits which may have had some virtue in times of scarcity became vices in times of relative abundance. 45. The island has an abundance of wildlife - animals, birds and fish. 46. So that morning there was life in abundance, except in Charlie's garden. 47. In this view, men starved amid abundance because goods were produced for private gain and not for public good. 48. There is an overwhelming abundance of practical evidence disproving this theory. 49. Right: The little stream which flows under Puente Chinoluiz where we found an abundance of fish. 50. Unfortunately, the burgeoning seal numbers in Boston Harbor bring the same problem seal abundance has brought elsewhere: human resentment. 51. This may contain phosphates, sulphates and nitrates in abundance - enough to start a green algae plague. 52. The Bordeaux exhibition goes all out for an abundance of images. 53. Navy planes and ships in abundance combed that area but found no trace. 54. Fortunately, most local record offices contain an abundance of sources for local history, going back at least two hundred years. 55. The modern convention, when listing ingredients, is to list them in order of their abundance in the product. 56. Do not be intimidated by baking esoterica of which there is an abundance. 57. Inventive, original and often very funny, Sarah Stewart's work will be seen in abundance from now on. 58. The scouts who have been found in abundance at Los Angeles Kings games lately got an eyeful Wednesday. 59. The sheer abundance of lawyers tends to promote excessive litigation. 60. C., handed down an abundance of wisdom about military strategy and tactics that have considerable application to all businesses.