abundance造句91. And even in regions of apparent abundance, the situation was marginal as prices soared along with farm output.
92. It is a measure of Minton's professionalism that he continued to meet deadlines and to produce an abundance of work.
93. The greater abundance of iron ores over those of copper also meant that iron was more readily obtainable and cheaper.
94. Fig. 3.8 shows the percentage abundance of complete bones for the humerus plotted against the femur.
95. Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature.Steve Maraboli
96. One quality Oxford possessed in abundance, though, was spirit, which enabled them to claw their way back.
97. Roots develop in abundance at the nodes on the stems.
98. Poor spawning sites and an abundance of food is the combination for giant bream; one is practically useless without the other.
99. In fact the stream ran through Florence Tremayne's garden which was a wild garden with trees and an abundance of daffodils.
100. A lovely river flowed into the sea there which had excellent washing pools with an abundance of clear bubbling water.
101. The great thicknesses of the seams are impressive evidence of the abundance and persistence of the early forests.
102. An abundance of unreliable information and consequent loss of user-confidence.
103. Except at weekends in the summer when the crowds would come and spread themselves in an abundance of activity on the grass.
104. It describes the lushness and abundance of the coming millennium.
105. This material abundance gives the modern historian a quite different range of experience from that of his classical or medieval colleagues.
106. Such isoforms and their relative abundance could mediate specific cell type or matrix interactions.
107. The ground was boggy underfoot, though there was grass in abundance between the trees.
108. Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them.Stephen Richards
109. I never had a sense of abundance, of being able to splash out and enjoy myself.
110. One reason for the abundance is the sheer number of tickets to the Games.
111. Growing up where I did, I understood and admired physical prowess, and there was an abundance of muscle here.
112. High slack systems are those organizations operating with an abundance of resources in reasonably stable and minimally competitive environments.
113. Each element is found in one or more minerals in a rock in proportion to the abundance of that mineral or minerals.
114. So it seems that over the years pandas have learned to enjoy food which was in great abundance.
115. Through all these means small bodies can bring to the terrestrial planets volatiles in sufficient abundance to match the observations.
116. A colour catalogue, costing £3, also illustrates the abundance of smaller accessories that make up the Shaker look.
117. Temporal variations of solid concentrations at that level indicate the relative abundance of particles whose diameters may be calculated.
118. Yet, despite the stylistic variety, there is a noticeable abundance of recurrent themes and messages.
119. These are a group of extremely primitive molluscs, which are found in any abundance only in Lower Palaeozoic rocks.
120. This magnificent abundance established one tradition that we are still struggling to overcome.