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121. One reason is the abundance of new flavors of spirits. 122. The very low abundances of volatiles and especially the low nitrogen abundance all pose special problems. 123. The relative abundance of these elements is increasingly being used to trace chemical processes in the mantle, crust, and oceans. 124. Even timber, which Savoy produced in abundance, was not marketed on a large scale because of the difficulties of transport. 125. Finally, we should comment on the relative abundance of ozone and hydrogen peroxide at Cape Grim. 126. There is wildlife here in abundance; deer, wild cats, red squirrels, golden eagles, ospreys and reindeer. 127. The latest version of its graphics package, Presentations 2, reviewed in our December issue, had these features in abundance. 128. This became a difficult order to follow after silver was found in tempting abundance at a place called Los Frayles. 129. Monopolistic restrictions are imposed where, on purely technical grounds, there could be abundance. 130. An independence based upon an abundance of goodwill may be found even where there are scarcities in power resources. 131. Those who enjoy material abundance are not necessarily the very happy people, and there are many people who live very happy under material poverty.Dr T.P.Chia 132. All the typical woodland flowers can be found here in abundance, including serene displays of lily of the valley. 133. Stainforth's success rests on three qualities he possesses in abundance. 134. It remains possible that versions of the genes for resistance to disease do indeed show cycles of abundance and scarcity. 135. To inspire, impact and instill abundance in life. 136. The third is the abundance of today's sand line. 137. Our bodies derive an abundance of hematin from food. 138. GORDON BROWN may lack the political graces but one quality he has in abundance: sheer bloody-minded grit. 139. Deloitte Centre was awarded BNZ's fit-out for having used sustainable materials, incorporated a lot of natural light and an abundance of plants which added to the greenery. 140. An INAA (Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis) method was used to determine the abundance of rare-earth elements in 58 Late Palaeozoic coals and related rocks in North China. 141. In this paper, a type of kilomega bps chips group for ether net which surpasses the standards by large abundance is presented. 142. Abundance doesn't mean redundance. hound found a profound book on the roundabout. 143. Not surprisingly, though, the Popsicles you buy at the local corner store tend to be sickeningly sweet and neon bright, thanks to an abundance of high-fructose corn syrup and artificial colors. 144. The abundance or scantiness of this supply, too, seems to depend more upon the former of those two circumstances than upon the latter... 145. The biggest zapper of having an abundance of time is the experience of always being behind. 146. If you find great exuberance, health, effective work, abundance, smiles on the faces of those who you meet, then take it for granted that your beliefs are beneficial. 147. This relative abundance, combined with low extraction and processing costs — reflecting both low wages and weak environmental standards — allowed China's producers to undercut the U.S. industry. 148. Furthermore, both abundance and diversity for the total radiolarian showed the highest values in the upper 50m layer and decreased with water depth increasing. 149. Article 14 An insurer shall, at least by the end of each year, test the abundance of the reserves for outstanding claims, life insurance liabilities, and long-term health insurance liabilities. 150. Microorganisms are an important group of organism mainly catabolic metabolism, which display extreme abundance in biodiversity.