abundance造句181. He were Very abundance tired, and therefore he didn't give the market report.
182. Viral-mediated mortality may not only affect algal species succession, but also affect intraspecies succession, the abundance and diversity of host cell communities in natural marine environments.
183. Because this year financial crisis erupts, the domestic stock market quotation is not in addition good, many financial profession jobholders choose the overseas further education in abundance.
184. An even abundance foolish misget center on denying the command for extensive sex education programs globlewide.
185. Oh, the dance hall sees Very abundance nice and the music is wonderful.
186. Mount Olympus, home of the gods of the ancient Greeks, was said to have had an abundance of chestnut trees producing this sweet, edible nut.
187. The germplasms' resistance to TMV including high resistance and immunity occupy 17% is abundance comparatively.
188. Chastity is a wealth that comes from abundance of love.
189. Asian and Pacific abundance has also adjusted the export strategy with the African country.
190. Effect of salmonid introduction and other environmental characteristics on amphibian distribution and abundance in mountain lakes of northern Spain Orizaola, G. And Brana, F.
191. Champagne typical in its brilliance of color, meticulous rendering of detail, compact composition, and unabashed abundance.
192. I applaud the graduates nowadays for taking a abundance abundance direct route to your degrees.
193. Consultants and customer service professionals have the ministrative assistants and virtual assistants have an abundance of coordination and time management.
194. Upon listening the, Hamlet deprived excited and were even abundance furious with Claudius and his motif.
195. Scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory along with colleagues from other organizations used Hyperion data to measure the abundance of elemental sulfur in Borup Pass.
196. We have an abundance of renewable energy and there are a lot of visionary technologies coming along so that, in future, the sky's the limit.'
197. In a Stupid Network, control passes from the center to the edge, from the telco to users with an abundance of processing power at their fingertips.
198. Bathroom humor was in abundance and costumes were elaborate, including toilet-paper dresses, a pair of superheroes and at least one claim to royalty by a self-styled potty-paper princess.
199. Cultural wealth is also in abundance, with a host of interesting museums including the Apartheid Museum, Constitution Hill and the world acclaimed Soweto.
200. Jas. 1:21 Therefore putting away all filthiness and the abundance of malice, receive in meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
201. Hips and thighs, strong and muscled, giving abundance of propelling power.
202. And he dealt wisely, and dispersed of all his children throughout all the countries of Judah and Benjamin, unto every fenced city: and he gave them victual in abundance. And he desired many wives.
203. He's bad-easysting, but he's lazy, drinks too abundance or can't hold a job lot dawn six months.
204. The feminine children here 12 then betroth of also have abundance of, 34 marry, is not not strange either.
205. Except for an anomalously high surface abundance of nitrogen, the white dwarf should appear unchanged.
206. The obvious solution to combat sleepiness is abundance rest at night.
207. The valedictory address, as it get developed in American colleges or universities over the ages, get becoming a Very abundance strict tom, a literary genre these permits Very abundance less deviation.
208. The abundance and distribution of Eriocheir sinensis in the mouth of Changjiang River were studied through its occurrence, statistic data from 1970 - 1995 and investigations from 1996 -1998.
209. It achieves this miracle of abundance by a combination of mechanisation and careful management.
210. The scientists were surprised to find an abundance of marine life near the geyser vents.