快好知 kuaihz

31. Adolescent thought initially is idealistic-logical, and often it is manifest in criticism of society and an elaboration of ideal worlds. 32. There is some justification for treating those who run these enterprises as capitalists if they manifest certain characteristics. 33. The existence of monopoly denies them that opportunity, and this is manifest in the inevitable reduction in total surplus. 34. It was Strongheart's manifest mental activity which opened his eyes to the mental process present in all living creatures. 35. This concern has been manifest in the debate over intergenerational conflict about access to resources. 36. Did he stomp on it in any other way to manifest dissatisfaction? 37. The nine dancers, when the lighting illuminates their visages, seem to manifest no facial expression. 38. Compliance and complacency are the manifest behaviours associated with an infantile dependency culture. 39. We can relate specific adult political attitudes and behavioral propensities to the manifest and latent political socialization experiences of childhood. 40. You can use the DESQview utility, Manifest, to examine this area to see if it's usable. 41. There are manifest continuities between the rites of violence in contemporary Britain and earlier periods. 42. Light is therefore, according to the test, an ambiguous lexical form, and 10 and 11 manifest different senses. 43. But the most concerted challenge was manifest in struggles waged by the unemployed around the poor law. 44. On the dang I thought of him as an imposing man in whose face a heightened intelligence and authority was manifest. 45. It is then that the full impact of Cobra power is manifest. 46. His greatest strength-the manifest affection and trust of the voters-was also his most debilitating weakness. 47. In the march toward Manifest Destiny, Frederic Church was now one of the standard-bearers. 48. Here at home there are denominations which, while they may boast a doctrinal comprehensiveness, manifest a cultural exclusiveness. 49. Changes which may not manifest even for millennia, until circumstances warrant it? 50. Sickling crises cause cumulative tissue damage which frequently does not manifest until the child is older. 51. Interest is now focused on how this might manifest itself in the government's promised rethink on constitutional reform. 52. It is manifest that they were too weak and uninfluential to produce such a major upheaval by their own efforts. 53. Symptoms include fatigue, fever, nausea, jaundice and dark urine, although some people never manifest symptoms. 54. Stress signals can manifest themselves in different ways according to the individual's predisposition and personality. 55. Or did they spontaneously manifest themselves, like the foam of a wave or the bloom on a country hedge in spring? 56. Elimination: problems may manifest as constipation, fluid retention, congested skin, catarrh. 4. Personal hygiene. 5. 56.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 57. The state was as reluctant to intervene in the housing market, despite its manifest deficiencies. 58. Moving the game westward and southward follows a grand historic progression, a sports equivalent of Manifest Destiny. 59. There was a sensual anticipation about, an assurance of marvels shortly to be, manifest. 60. He suggests that the types of behavior or attitudes people manifest affect the way they communicate.