快好知 kuaihz

91. At the manifest level of observable facts, the differences may be as significant as the similarities. 92. Through the actions and attitudes of struggling individuals, the true costs of self-defeating organizational behavior are made manifest. 93. Laziness or a lack of neatness may manifest. 94. Second, both manifest distinctive dispirited thoughts. 95. It's your manifest destiny to nail her, you know. 96. Pandora's "anytime, anywhere" mantra seems like manifest destiny now. 97. They are manifest above all in the political sphere. 98. As for its inscape, Public Security and its police have the special duty that should do and have the possibility to do, but manifest a state of omission. 99. The Phar::mapPhar() method call shown above initializes the Phar archive by reading the manifest. 100. The main features of Manichaeism were enunciated in an elaborate cosmogonical myth of two absolute and eternal principles which manifest themselves in three eras or "moments." 101. Primary thoracic sarcomas are extremely rare and include chondrosarcoma, synovial sarcoma, and fibrosarcoma. These tumors usually manifest as endoluminal tracheal masses. 102. To the degree that it is fervently held as truth, to that degree will it be made manifest in your experience. 103. State Forestry Center of Baise District adjusts measures to local conditions, takes multiplicate forms, develops workers seif-supporting economy following the plan and gains a manifest effect. 104. In this manner, the collective violence need not manifest as a global nuclear winter. 105. Just remember, make sure to add any additional files to your MANIFEST, or they will not be bundled when you run make dist. 106. A of the cargo manifest shows it was commissioned by the semi - autonomous government of south Sudan. 107. The United States has a manifest destiny to be an example and a blessing to the entire human race. 108. Objective To evaluation the manifest and effect of scintigraphy in the subacute thyroiditis. 109. 1845 - Manifest Destiny: US President James K. Polk announces to Congress that the United States should aggressively expand into the West. 110. Cargo manifest is required except for aircraft applying radio pratique. 111. Some people don't in spirits, so let spirits truly manifest before them. 112. China has a $2.4 trillion headache: its foreign reserves. That surplus capital is now beginning to manifest itself in a new wave of investment outside China. 113. Signing an assembly with a strong name adds a public key encryption to the file containing the assembly manifest. 114. Does your factory check arriving cargo against advance information on the cargo manifest? 115. The result showed copolymer have manifest photoisomerization, but its corresponding monomers have not photoismomer zation. 116. I decided to investigate a mechanism in the java -jar loader that will load classes which are specified inside a special file in the archive named META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. 117. In contrast, common idiopathic calcium oxalate stone formers ( SF ) never manifest intra - tubule crystals or interstitial fibrosis. 118. Objective To research the clinical characteristic of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) which mainly manifest peripheral facial paralysis. 119. It derives from the root word tan, which translates as "to extend, expand, spread, continue, spin out, weave; to put forth, show, or manifest." 120. The synchronicity is choreographed by a great, pervasive intelligence that lies at the heart of nature, and is manifest in each of us through what we call the soul.