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151. All these could manifest the feasibility of the MMBSC on describing the member restoring force characteristics. 152. It is only through hardships and disasters that a friendship of Damon and Pythias can manifest itself. 153. Intangible fixed assets are important resources for libraries and manifest the core of Its competitive ability, libraries must strengthen intangible fixed assets mangement. 154. Navigate to the MANIFEST.MF file in the implementation module (Figure 10). 155. As the universe expands our dreams and aspirations start to take form and draw to them all the physical matter and energy needed to start to manifest. 156. Others effects—such as famines, the Thirty Years' War (1618-48), or the 164 Manchu conquest of China—took decades to manifest. 157. There'd be no point in submitting documents to the customs before they have the ship's manifest. 158. The corruption can manifest itself at any time after the actual damage occurs, even hours or days in the future. 159. To create an application manifest for the Blether sample, paste the sample code in Listing 18 into sample/resource/META-INF/APPLICATION.MF. 160. These tiny irregularities that are observed within the radiant center of the citta manifest just enough fluctuation to attract the attention of mindfulness and wisdom. 161. Whosoever is found variable , and changes manifestly without manifest cause, giveth suspicion of corruption. 162. Also, behaviors such as nicotine addiction manifest themselves in long-term changes of neuronal connectivity and can – at least in this respect – be viewed as a form of learning. 163. Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you. 164. The open sky, the hidden mode, the instantaneous time, the geographical separation of the digital and open e-learning enable learners to manifest subjectivity. 165. The best defensive spell available to a Sorceress is manifest in this formidable armor. 166. For an assembly with one associated file, the manifest is incorporated into the PE file to form a single-file assembly. 167. Save the file MANIFEST MF after editing, and exit the decompression tool. 168. I'm sorry, Chief. I found there's one platform container where packages on the container load list do not conform to those on the inward manifest. 169. Cargo Manifest issued by the Ship's master including shipping Insurance. 170. Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these. 171. Note that a single atomic business rule may manifest as a number of formal rule statements, each with a different formal expression type. 172. Malignancy tumor group are abundance of cellulars and haemorrhage, necrosis, heteromorphism are manifest. 173. But in pre-Qin Chinese, with Zuo Zhuan its representative, this structure becomes manifest in the language itself, for both the prepositive and the postpositive exist though their number is not equal. 174. Some cargoes ' marks are different with the manifest, according to the business regulations of our company we must make out the Overlanded and Shortlanded Cargo List. Please have a look and sign. 175. BE VIGILANT INDEED, watch for the signs of what you already know to manifest more ofthe same, untill the tide turns against those who kept choosing the other, their own train. 176. As well, how lithography-induced electrical issues manifest into timing and leakage power issues is being studied. 177. When one invokes "I intend such and such", one directs the nonphysical soul, oversoul and source associated with one's life dance to take action to manifest the request made or intention voiced. 178. In order to manifest his own standpoint, he has been emerging as an independent artist featuring a little bit sense of academism sometimes. 179. The agent JAR file uses a special manifest attribute to specify the actual agent class, which must define a method public static void premain(String options, Instrumentation inst). 180. Therefore, has to design the construction to manifest two kind of design concepts two levels of submarines: Peaceful "Lipscomb" level and high speed "Los Angeles" level.