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61. There are numerous pressures on them which manifest themselves in a variety of ways within the classroom setting. 62. Yet while the monad may be defined as force, monads do not manifest themselves in the phenomenal world. 63. It seemed to him that the spirit of these scriptures was still manifest in the great temples of the South. 64. As in Prague, Warsaw and East Berlin in those days, people power has been manifest. 65. But Derrida's subtle analyses show that logocentrism tends to manifest itself in extremely indirect ways. 66. Although changes in performance arise as a result of supply side factors, they manifest themselves as shifts in demand curve. 67. This yearning for former glories was already manifest in a particular kind of sentimentality and nostalgia. 68. That is, it studies the relation between the significances of a text, and the linguistic characteristics in which they are manifest. 69. Daemon spawn won't be able to home in and manifest themselves. 70. The recognition that exceptional holiness and spirituality continue to manifest themselves in our own time is also a central pentecostal conviction. 71. Within you is the divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need or desire.Wayne Dyer 72. Elimination: problems may manifest as constipation, fluid retention, congested skin, catarrh. 4. 73. As we have said, there is little evidence for this, as professional families manifest considerable segregation of domestic tasks. 74. This was the language of manifest destiny, whose speakers assumed that they were moral examples to the whole world. 75. This part of the course is assessed by reference to the student's production of course work manifest in a course file. 76. For the character to know and demonstrate their doom, their body must physically manifest the flaw through an impairment. 77. In the case of manifest content there is no real problem. 78. The relationship was made manifest at the life crisis ceremonials of partner lineages. 79. The lack of specificity in these indicators leads to manifest failure to achieve equity. 80. Tubs, their ribs opening, held the corpses of camellias, their desperation for water manifest. 81. Now the suspected subservience of the judiciary to the politicians seemed to be made manifest. 82. Such notions are manifest in demonstrations of deference in interaction with incomers - especially with pilots. 83. During those hours there is no manifest intention to exercise any such control. 84. Thus is the need to develop a conscience parallel with a knowledge of right and wrong made manifest. 85. But he does not lack confidence or sense of manifest Elvis destiny. 86. The mountaintop offers different information-there some grand order seems both manifest and enormous[.com], far larger than the purely human world. 87. The doctrine of manifest destiny was distinct from the imperialist dynamic that flourished around the turn of the century. 88. The inadequacy of funding for child care and health coverage will manifest itself before long. 89. Site-specific works invariably manifest a value judgment about the larger context of which they are a part. 90. These hot spots manifest them-selves in the nearly constant internal chatter that follows us throughout the day.