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31. Fossil bones were just lying around in the open. 32. We know this from their fossil remains. 33. We harness fossil energy and breathe life into machines. 34. This staining on marble is the result of dry deposition from sulphur dioxide gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels. 35. Stan Wood is the man and he can already claim a place of honour amongst the great fossil hunters of the world. 36. He had also made himself the leading authority on fossil fish, taking over Cuvier's work. 37. Half a million fossil bones of reptiles and birds have been found in the lava tubes scattered across the landscape. 38. They are fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas, nuclear fuels: uranium ores. 39. The greatest problems in the fossil record, however, are the sudden extinctions. 40. The only three-dimensional fossil of a dinosaur's soft tissue was unearthed here in the 90s. 41. Now, remaining supplies of fossil fuels should be saved, not squandered. 42. Figure 7.1 illustrates the very obvious way in which a new fossil species may seem to be diachronous. 43. The coal and petroleum are the great reserves of fossil fuels that we have relied on to power our industrial societies. 44. Wave of hope Mars probe may have found fossil seas Scientists hope that they may yet discover life on Mars. 45. Of course, many graptoloids also drifted into shallower water, where they are associated with a more normal kind of fossil assemblage. 46. The thicker shelled species often carry a distinctive sculpture, which is also important in identifying fossil species. 47. This ensures that production costs of electricity generated by these methods are no greater than for fossil fuels. 48. Nor do they contribute to environmental pollution by burning fossil fuels. 49. In the 1850s the fossil record began to yield evidence for a new kind of trend within the development of each class. 50. Most are microscopic, and many have no skeleton and therefore lack a fossil record. 51. After finding a fossil knee, Johanson needed a modern knee for comparison. 52. There have been several suggestions as to how fossil agnathans may fit into a scheme such as this. 53. After all, your editorial on fossil fuels, fearlessly and correctly reported global warming data in degrees Celsius. 54. Half the new tax would be on the carbon content of fossil fuel and half on the energy content. 55. Cartilage does not preserve as fossil as a rule, so most of the evidence of the shark-like fish rests upon teeth. 56. Also of concern is not only the cost but the amount of fossil energy subsidy required for intensive agriculture. 57. They make numerous other trips as well, visiting Walden Pond and going on a fossil dig, for example. 58. The second method tries to analyse the structure of the fossil almost as if it were a piece of engineering. 59. The problem with fossil fuels is that they are not renewable. 60. They have also shown that 60 percent of the energy released from fossil fuels is wasted.