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211. The new type engines without the combustion process have to be researched and manufactured, especially for China, because of urban pollution and the short of fossil oil. 212. The team found the fossil in a rock outcrop in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. 213. The Asian nation plans to install wind capacity of 100 gigawatts by 2020 to help reach a goal of generating 15 percent of primary energy without using fossil fuels. 214. The process of ecologic succession of fossil community can be and fossilsandand studied by palaeontologists. 215. HOKE's time tested designs deliver outstanding leak-tight performance in a wide range of applications, including fossil fuel, specialty gas and steam plants. 216. The changes to our society would have to be extensive and complete, with the complete replacement of our use of fossil fuels for energy and a total reevaluation of our daily lifestyles. 217. It is both a materialized "living fossil" of the capital history of Beijing, and a symbol of the cultural Pekinese 's aesthetic sense. 218. A kind of silicified fossil wood with mixed pits on the radial tracheid wall is described. 219. On the other hand, some deciduous gymnosperms including Ginkgoales, and the presence of growth rings in the fossil secondary wood, indicate seasonal changes. 220. In 2000, Sterling released the Viridian Manifesto, which he has described as an attempt to use design "to end our substance-abuse problem with fossil fuels. 221. In the meantime, the protection this dinosaurian fossil relics, development, use the job to include a government to build a project, transfer special funds is used at protecting the job. 222. Dart christened the fossil Australopithecus Africanus, meaning the'southern African ape ". 223. As important renewable biomass of forest rejectamenta and agricultural residues, salix psammophila can substitute fossil resource and be used to produce biology fuel and other industrial products. 224. Increasing problems of all kinds with fossil fuel power plants turning power and utility companiesmoreandmore tOtheuseOfnuclearpoweredelectricgeneratingplants. 225. The palaeontologist claimed that he had found a uniquedinosaur fossil but it turned out to be a mare's nest. 226. The state also ranks 39th for CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. 227. Indeed, the rapid entombment may have preserved some of the skin itself, on top of the boy's skull and on the woman's jaw near the chin—something never before seen in a hominin fossil. 228. Biomarker, as molecular fossil, recorded the origin and evolutionary history of dinoflagellate. 229. But, the dialect is an ancient social intercourse information to leave behind, is a phonetic fossil. 230. Patrick Druckenmiller, a plesiosaur expert at the University of Alaska's Museum of the North, was a member of the expedition team that found and excavated the Arctic fossil. 231. The most surprising fossil find of the study was an 18 th century clay pipe. 232. The fossil scrap —just the tip of a juvenile female’s finger —was discovered in 2008 during excavations of Denisova cave in Siberia’s Altai Mountains. 233. Homo habilis was called the handy man because tools were found with his fossil remains. 234. It means if we want to keep eating mussels marinara, clams casino, or other alliterative seafood dishes, we'd better kick our carbon-emitting fossil fuels habit right quick. 235. According to bury circumstance judgement, put possibly inside circumjacent bigger range in more and dinosaurian fossil, disentomb foreground is very hopeful. 236. All these feather types have been found in fossil impressions of theropods, the dinosaur suborder that includes Tyrannosaurus rex as well as birds and other Maniraptorans. 237. The key to the harmonious development of the fossil oil areas is the harmonious development of central-government-managing enterprises and local economy. 238. The fossil of the pithecanthropus Yuxian Man cranium unearthed in Shiyan is considered as the national treasure because of its high historical value. 239. Because the rate of accumulation is so slow, millions of times than we dig up this organic matters and burn it for energy, we must consider this fossil fuels as un-renewable sources. 240. In 1996, Chinese paleontologists discovered an exquisitely preserved fossil of a miniature theropod, called Sinosauropteryx, that had whiskerlike structures on its head and back.