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121. The limestone was deposited in very quiet water conditions, which accounts for the preservation of this delicate little fossil. 122. More interesting still, recent fossil discoveries show that the hip bones of some giant dinosaurs were almost hollow. 123. For instance aluminium costs 95% less in energy when recycles which cuts down the use of fossil fuels and reduces pollution. 124. Wind power should also be relatively cheaper in the long term, as the pollution costs of fossil fuels rise. 125. It is important to distinguish the influences of both, as both may introduce particular sets of biases into the fossil assemblage. 126. For heaven's sake, Rachel, look at the fossil record as a whole. 127. In most fossil deposits, the later stages of modification depicted in Fig. 1.2 assume greater importance. 128. The North can argue, of course, that in a world of finite fossil fuel resources inefficiency in itself is immoral. 129. The fossil evidence is confirmed by the record of the genes. 130. This fossil bark is typified by its lozenge-shaped leaf scars arranged in spiral rows. 131. Nevertheless this is not to deny that there are some very curious features about the fossil record. 132. Some 360 million years ago the beginnings of dense forests showed up in the fossil record, with tall, looming foliage. 133. We are hastening this process with the burning of fossil fuels. 134. The findings of 47 per-cent who preferred nuclear compares with 50 per-cent for fossil fuels. 135. Just as material rewards are disappearing, job security is barely a memory and company loyalty a psychic fossil. 136. It will now be clear why you can sometimes find so many different fossil gastropod shells together in a single fossil deposit. 137. How do you begin an interview with a three-million-year old fossil? 138. We also know that the fossil record is fragmentary in the extreme. 139. Do we carry on burning fossil fuels at rapid rates? 140. That question, once so alive in his thoughts, was now a fossil. 141. We can not, of course, replay a piece of history and we do not have a fossil record of behaviour. 142. Many fossil distributions, of very varied ages, imply remarkably uniform conditions over a wide part of the earth's surface. 143. An obvious and technically achievable alternative to fossil fuel combustion is nuclear fission. 144. The importance of the Temple Butte is that it contains fossil skeletons of primitive fish. 145. The individual calcite plates of which the fossil is composed can be clearly seen. 146. Our civilisation based on fossil fuel. 147. Method Stratigraphic age is determined by paleontologic fossil. 148. Clearer fossil may provide a definitive answer. 149. Isn't Professor Bell an old fossil? 150. Whilst being fossil fuel-based, AACs are biodegradable and compostable.