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241. On a cautionary note, he adds that the next feathered fossil unearthed in China could easily restore the premier status of Archaeopteryx. 242. The fossil was formally named Darwinius masillae, in honor of the anniversary of Charles Darwin's 200th birthday. 243. Only the third fossil thrips ever found, the woodland insect lived when Africa was part of a giant supercontinent called Gondwana. 244. That means we must figure out a way to inexpensively capture the carbon released by burning fossil fuels and sequester it into the ground. 245. This thesis researched some fossil fruits of Trapa L. which were found in the Miocene of second deposition layer of the Shengxian Formation, Ninghai, Zhejiang Province. 246. The main anthropogenic source of SO2 is the burning of sulfur-containing fossil fuels for domestic heating, power generation and motor vehicles. 247. The fossil hominids were diagnosed as early Homo sapiens, with a cultural age of Middle Paleolithic, and geologic age of early Late Pleistocen. 248. Before fossil fuels all development was based on human labor (often slaves) and animal power with dung or forests being used for fuel (forests tend to disappear quickly). 249. It can be extracted without burning a fossil fuel such as coal, gas, or oil. 250. Molecular clock gives a line of evidence independent of fossil records in telling some early evolutionary events. 251. Whether in an individual coal pit, oil, or gas field, a nation or the planet as a whole,[www.] fossil fuel reserves and production tend to follow a bell curve over time. 252. Prof. Andrew Knoll of Harvard University has likened the Ediacaran forms to a paleontological "Rorschach" test because different scientists often interpret the same fossil very differently. 253. Of, relating to, or being a cephalopod of the order Tetrabranchiata, characterized by two pairs of gills and including the chambered nautilus and many fossil species. 254. Two separate vanity areas (one with make up station), each with solid granite sinks and African Wenge cabinetry, are joined by the family sized Fossil Onyx steam shower with multiple sprayers. 255. The Kenyanthropus fossil has a small earhole , like those of chimpanzees. 256. A new report by the National Research Council seeks to put a dollar amount on the "hidden" costs of energy produced by burning fossil fuels. 257. Prof Mike Benton from the University of Bristol, UK, agrees that the new fossil is about the closest relative to Archaeopteryx that has yet been found. 258. Dominican Republic is one of the main localities of ambers which contain the most inclusions of fossil organism. 259. The expert was giving a lecture on the forming process of fossil oil. 260. With the discovery of angiospermous fossil woods in Yangluo, Wuhan in 1984, fossil woods and gravels in Yangluo, Wuhan, attracted great attention of scholars all the while. 261. The composition of fossil fuels varies with source, type, and degree of refinement. 262. The bleary-eyed walk between bedroom and home office requires no fossil fuels at all. 263. Because there is a lack of fossil and chronologic data, the stratigraphic division is still disputed. 264. This paper reports fossil pollen collected recently from the Upper Jurassic Yixian Formation of western Liaoning Province, and first demonstrates the oldest known angiospermous pollen in the world. 265. Wealth from fossil fuels allowed Russia to nearly quadruple military spending over the last decade, but the gusher days are over for now, given low oil prices. 266. A key test of the biological hypothesis for ALH 84001 is the formation temperature of the carbonates that contain the putative fossil evidence. 267. The fossil consists of a complete skull of an archaeocyte, an extinct group of ancestors of modern cetaceans. 268. Plants of Gymnosperm had been through a long historical evolution on earth, fossil records of which originated from the late Devonian period. 269. The reality is, that next fossil find could kick Archaeopteryx right back into birds. That's the thing that's really exciting about all of this. 270. However , sources and environment limit conventional hydrogen production by fossil fuel.