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already in造句
151. Hurry up , dear, the children are already in the car raring to go. 152. Many after-shave lotions and moisturizers have a sunscreen (usually SPF 15 or greater) already in them, and this is sufficient for everyday activities with a few minutes here and there in the sun. 153. China's Chang'e 1 spacecraft is already in lunar orbit, as is Japan's Selene. 154. The plane tress lining in the main street are already in leaf. 155. Enable redundant error path reporting: If selected, server common hardware errors will be reported through this LPAR to the HMC, in addition to the path already in place from the service processor. 156. The two Pavlograd squadrons were bivouacking in the middle of a field of rye, which was already in ear, but had been completely trodden down by the cattle and horses. 157. The agent will usually listen on port 1972 but will autoincrement the port if 1972 is already in use (by another Health Center agent, for example). 158. A typical example might be that a specific business requires a certain field length to be imposed because a current database is already in place within the business. 159. Otherwise, your new tasks are added to the canvas connected to each other in the order that you entered them, but not connected to any element that is already in the process map. 160. As you can see, I was already in Maupassant's" the necklace" in selected necklace. I don't want to lost necklace! 161. Any files or subdirectories that were already in /media/cdrom are no longer visible, although they still exist on the block device that contained the mount point /media/cdrom. 162. Processor management is concerned with the internal priorities of programs already in main memory. 163. Automakers Ford and Honda, Finnish mobile phone maker Nokia, French retail giant Carrefour and German chemical group BASF are among the major foreign firms already in Chongqing. 164. Most of you know the drill, but for those that don't, here's the skinny : Mercury Retrograde is all about reviewing the details of what's already in motion with a fine-toothed comb. 165. When he returned to the room after taking a bath, she was already in bed. 166. Already in Colossians and Ephesians they set up the household in a clear hierarchical patriarchal situation. 167. In the last 30 years, the average probability they put on the economy lapsing into recession has never risen above 50 percent — until the economy was already in a recession. 168. Natural gas , which used to be available to generate electricity, was already in short supply. 169. At present applies most absorbents is the activated charcoal, applies maturely already in the industry. 170. There is a basic premise in the rich and complex psychology of Carl Jung, it is simple: you see in others what is already in yourself. 171. Now CNPC and China's other state-supported oil firms are likely to face off with Western oil companies in a bid round for other long-term contracts to enhance giant fields already in production. 172. The lobbying's already in full swing over who will succeed him as the head of an organisation which has the power to spend billions on stabilising the world economy. 173. When you fantasize, it's always about the man who's already in your life. 174. Already in California joking references are sometimes made to the " under - privileged two - car family ". 175. Inflammation also triggers the cyclo-oxygenase II (Cox 2) enzyme, and there are several inhibitors available that are already in clinical use as anti-inflammatory painkillers, aspirin among them. 176. Since the accusedis already in custody, I assumebail is moot? 177. Government debt issued by Portugal and even Spain is already in the crosshairs of international bond investors. 178. Discussions on skills required to writing and evaluating a " granth(a)" were already in vogue during the Ramayanic era. 179. In the early 1980s, the Unix operating system was already in widespread use throughout academia and businesses for both servers and workstations. 180. Green pea soup, sir. Croutons are already in the soup.