快好知 kuaihz

31. He pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to defraud the government. 32. There is a conspiracy of silence about what is happening . 33. The conspiracy of the assissination of the president was brought to light in time. 34. He believes there probably was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy in 1963. 35. The police agreed to drop the conspiracy charges against him. 36. There has been a murky conspiracy to keep them out of power. 37. They are both charged with conspiracy to defraud an insurance company of $20 000. 38. He suspects there's a conspiracy to cover up the crime. 39. The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the smoking gun they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy. 40. The suggestion that there was a conspiracy is not entirely fanciful. 41. There's often a conspiracy of silence surrounding bullying in schools. 42. There is a conspiracy of silence about the killer . 43. It's all part of a conspiracy to keep women down. 44. I think there was a conspiracy to keep me out of the committee. 45. Party officials have uncovered a conspiracy to discredit the prime minister. 46. Everyone thinks there is some vast conspiracy wanting to hold down the younger generation. 47. Conspiracy and cover-up theories still abound. 48. Doherty and McMahon denied conspiracy to supply cannabis resin. 49. These people have enough conspiracy theories on their plates. 50. Sometimes children need to break the conspiracy of silence. 51. Reynolds was charged with conspiracy against the government. 52. He said he questioned whether there was enough evidence to convict his client on conspiracy to commit murder. 53. The air is thick with conspiracy theories whenever the regime feels threatened. 54. In this way, the strategy proceeds from the same antisemitic assumptions and stereotypes as the more familiar and anti-Zionist conspiracy theories. 55. The suspects were held Wednesday on suspicion of attempted murder, attempted burglary and conspiracy. 56. Eighteen more defendants have been indicted in the conspiracy, including six who are in custody awaiting trial. 57. This induces a feeling of helplessness and engenders a belief in hidden explanations and conspiracy theories. 58. After all, what sort of conspiracy is it when the victim has to browbeat his supposed aggressors into taking part? 59. Should you be acting as the peacemaker in your family, or the one who breaks the conspiracy of silence? 60. But how this complaint lines up with the alleged conspiracy and fraudulent conduct is not clear to me.